Nicodranas Settlement in Exandria | World Anvil
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  Nicodranas is the first and one of the major port cities on the Menagerie Coast. The city is under the control of the Clovis Concord, with the exception of the Open Quay district owned by Yussa Errenis.   Nicodranas is the easternmost port city in the Menagerie Coast. Along with Port Damali it bookends the Menagerie Coast, although Nicodranas is approximately half the size of Port Damali. The city has colorful rooftops and towers vary in height and design, giving an eclectic visual of a jumble of cultures having built this space without unified vision. The city exterior wall has many gates and archways with portcullises that are held up by a chain mechanism beyond the wall. The gates are guarded by Zhelezo that run the city. Towards the coastline, the walls slowly diminish in steps and extend out into the ocean. The walls beyond the exterior were once grey, but through the years of accumulating seagull excrement they became light grey with white patterns.


  • 68% Human
  • 13% Halfling
  • 8% Dwarf
  • 10% Others


  • Restless Wharf-On the eastern side of the city's docks is the Restless Wharf, a busy dockyard that runs a very tight ship and seems to be filled with elements of cheap entertainment. Alongside the docks are warehouses, small huts, buildings and cranes. The cranes are made of wood, cord and rope, differing in size from 10 to 30 feet. They are often used, loading and off-loading various materials from the trade ships that are making their way into the harbor or loading up to leave. There are two or three larger guild buildings that are hubs of information for those that are coming from the docks. Walking around the docks are dockmasters gathering information of who is entering or exiting with their ships, making sure that everything is being handled.
  • Open Quay-The Open Quay is located on the western side of the docks. The Open Quay is the only part of Nicodranas not under the control of the Clovis Concord. It is a little bit smaller and seems to be less organized.
  • The Opal Archways district of Nicodranas is the oldest district of the town. It is where the wealthier merchants and clientele seem to congregate. Nicodranas originally comprised only this district before it expanded outwards over time.
  • The Skew: An area of Nicodranas where most of the riffraff and the common folk live. It is the cheaper, more affordable residential area of town.
Founding Date
450 PD
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
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