Nicodranas Plot Plot in Exandria | World Anvil
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Nicodranas Plot

The city stands desolate and deserted
A large city of stone and roofs of red-clay tile rises along the southern menagerie coast and sprawls along beaches of white sand. To the east and west, the city’s high walls extend into the bay that forms its harbor. These barriers create breakwaters and narrow the passages into the port, with towers at the gaps acting as watchpoints and lighthouses. They house great chains that can be raised to block access to the bay altogether. Beyond them, great stone quays line the city’s seaside. Cranes stand alongside the largest, unloading cargo from ships, preparing them for transport to waterfront warehouses. Water vessels go to and fro in and around the harbor, much like the people in the quayside district
The city guard is at least doubled since the last time you visited the city.
The Zhelezo will tax the party upon entry into the city.
    Potential side Quests:
  • Obsidian Hunt, some cargo ships in the area have been getting ambushed in the Lucidien ocean. The ships are completely marooned and the cargo is still on the ship but the entire crew is gone. Set up as a cargo ship and sail to the are that has been getting attacked and figure out what is happening.
  • Zhafe is worried about the War to the North and wants to get any information he can on it. Will award the party with an estate in Nicodranas with a full complimentary staff if the party goes to investigate what is happening at the Wyunn gates and solve whatever is happening. It appears abandoned but everyone who tries to travel north is not heard from again. And I have not seen any denizens of the empire for awhile.
Citizens of Nicodranas  
  • Tatsu- fire genasi blacksmith
  • Bluud- minotaur body guard at the Chateau
  • Chester Brimingfield -Inkin park
  • Torlyn Orros 
  • Hanna Rist 
  • Rylan Hakkan 
  • Lysanne Aros 
  • Nemia Makon 
  • Yagan Balzar 
  • Baernus Brightward 
  • Swinton Sumber 
  • Zhafe Uludon 
  • Yussa Erenis 
  • Ship names
    • The maidens call
    • Wavebreaker
    • Old Salty
    • Dark Mantle
    • Size Doesn't Matter
    • Iron Tide
    This article has no secrets.


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