Reed Odele Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Reed Odele

  • Burned hands and arms from the attack on Rexxentrum.
  • Lost his left eye and now has scar
  • Reed and Brio Odele are now central figures in the rebellion against the rise of Lord Baraxis, The unharrowed
  • Celeste Odell is helping with the injured and broken
  • Mentions that the Ashguard Garrsion had to retreat to bladegarden, and he is levying to be sent east to find and fight with Brio
  • Has achieved the title of Arcanist, a title given to students who are the most proficient in each chosen school
    • Suffered permeant burns and scaring on his arms from the attack on Rexxentrum.
    • Now that the city has been evacuated and the headmaster gone, he's headed east to bladegarden to meet up with Brio.
    • Fairly upset with Wren for not coming back after the attack
      Messages Wren and asks if she knows anything about the missing bodies in Rexxentrum "Brio and I have returned to Rexxentrum, the city is in ruin but we havent found a single corpse. Including the dragon. KNow anything?"           Soft English Accent, quiet

    The middle child of the Odele family. Slightly shorter than his older brother but is incredibly intelligent although much more reserved than his siblings.

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