Trostenwald Settlement in Exandria | World Anvil
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Description   Trostenwald is most notable for its unique strain of grain and wheat, which led to a boom in breweries around the turn of the century creating a uniquely sweet ale known commonly as trosts. Of the initial glut of breweries, three brewer families have survived and prospered to this day. The town now primarily exports fish, crops, and ale.   Trostenwald also has a contingent of Crownsguard who act as law enforcement for the town.    Lochward   Bordered by the Ustaloch, the Lochward is the most eastern and central ward of the town and is where the docks and fishing village are. The five to six main dock structures of this ward protrude out into the lake from between ten to thirty or so feet and service the small fishing boats that work on the lake.   Hillward   This area, with the safety provided by the Crownsguard barracks, is where the guild halls and wealthy reside.   Northward   The Northward is a place of industry, including the local breweries, bordering the fields. Indeed, it seems the general work around the water in this ward consisted largely of individuals moving crates around.


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