The elves of this continent are of astounding tenuity, having endured the Calamity by sealing themselves away in the Outer Planes, having emerged only recently; Nevertheless, their cities are already of immense grandeur and their cultural importance extreme. Special to this continent, several kinds of elv we had never laid eyes on, some water-breathing, some of purple skin, and all extremely nuanced and fascinating.E lves are a graceful and magical folk, who are not a common sight in broader humanoid life. Some humanoids hold elves to be paradigms of flawless etherealness, while others regard them as completely normal, essentially humans with long ears and slightly different looks. Elves have several subraces, each of which have different cultures, complexions, and customs. Most notably, these are the dark elves of Xhorhas, the high elves and wood elves common throughout the continent, and the more rare groups of sea elves and pallid elves harkening from different regions of the Menagerie Coast.
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