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Alfield is a rural town nestled into a scattered patch of trees near the Amber Road. The old mines winding beneath the nearby hills yield a fair amount of tin, copper, and quartz that supplement the town's economy. Small in size compared to the surrounding townships, Alfield is regarded by most travellers as a stop on the route to more important business elsewhere. This frustrates some proud residents and local entrepreneurs, but most prefer the small-town lifestyle and are happy to see the passing traders and travellers move on. Alfield is currently recovering from a recent assault by a roving band of violent gnolls, so a number of buildings are still being repaired or rebuilt.


The starosta, a middle-aged gnome named Kosh Clearbarker, leans heavily on his dutiful watchmaster, the half-elf Bryce Feelid. Bryce personally shoulders the town's burdens while the starosta continues to oversee the town from within his quarters, excusing himself from any hands-on governance.   Since Alfield is both overlooked and under-protected by the Crown, charlatans and thieves often sweep through town in an attempt to relieve the townsfolk of any loose coin. The relatively small Crownsguard presence is perpetually frustrated with the lack of support from the empire; they must split the attention of their small force between policing the borders and watching for hooligans who seek to abuse the civilians within the town.


A small cadre of Crownsguard keep the peace as the empire focuses on larger settlements.

Industry & Trade

Alfield is a minor stop for traders, with little beyond basic supplies and a couple of inns.

Guilds and Factions

Minor public shrines offer solace to the faithful. Businesses are small and independent, requiring no guild oversight.


The welcoming farming community and beautiful countryside surrounding Alfield often call to those who want a simpler life in the empire. Flanked to the north and east by the Alfield Wood, the town is shaped like a small diamond in shape, only a couple of miles across on all sides. The Dustway and Harvest Path roads divide the town into four quarters, meandering lazily through the ramshackle wooden buildings until they meet at the recently rebuilt Candleglow Inn at the center of town.
3,410 (61% humans, 22% halflings, 11% gnomes, 6% other races)
Location under
Owning Organization