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Cauldron Sea

A perpetual storm chokes the stony shores of this dark and brackish expanse, where aspects of the Elemental Plane of Water and the Abyss collide in constant entropic turmoil. Aquatic terrors lurk in its murky fathoms, which are rumored to hold everything from the ruined battlements of a sunken city to the haunted graveyard of a forgotten fleet.   Although the waters of the Cauldron Sea present challenges to those who would tame its tides, a handful of unmapped (and often unnamed) villages are scattered along its savage shores. Some of these settlements offer safe havens to weary travelers of the northern Strand, prospectors and pirates alike, but most treat outsiders with disdain or even outright hostility.   Oblivion Vortex
Soothsayers claim that Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion, created the Cauldron Sea to loosen the veil between worlds and warn that one day he will rend the very fabric of reality from the depths of its accursed waters. There are those who would see this mad prophecy fulfilled, but many more would do anything to prevent the Betrayer God's malevolent return.  
Blightshore Contraband
The unique environs of the post-Calamity Miskath Strand have produced a number of strange new substances that can be cultivated for both noble and illicit purposes. The regulation of these bizarre drugs proves difficult, however, as their exotic qualities often confound those who would subvert their questionable usage. As such, supply and demand remain steady despite the inevitable hazards of production.   Black Sap: This tarry substance harvested from the dark boughs of the death's head willow is a powerful intoxicant. It can be smoked as a concentrate or injected directly into the bloodstream. A creature subjected to a dose of black sap cannot be charmed or frightened for 1d6 hours. For each dose of black sap consumed, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 2d4 hours—an effect that is cumulative with multiple doses. Black sap is valued at 300 gp per dose.   Blight Ichor: This bitter chartreuse concoction is distilled from a fungus native to the Blightshore badlands. The sickly green liqueur harbors potent psychedelic properties. Provided it is neither a construct nor undead, a creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as well as vulnerability to psychic damage, for 1 hour. For each dose of blight ichor consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1d6 hours and suffer the effects of a confusion spell for 1 minute. An undead creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on all Dexterity checks and is immune to the frightened condition for 1 hour. Blight ichor is valued at 200 gp per dose.   Soothsalts: Soothsalts are derived from a naturally occurring crystalline substance discovered throughout the wilds of the Miskath Strand. The crimson crystals have been mined from cavernous veins like those in the mouth of the Miskath Pit and found within smaller geode formations near sites ravaged by the Calamity. Soothsalts are consumed orally in lozenge-sized doses, and frequent users can be identified by the telltale crimson stain around their mouths. A creature subjected to a dose of soothsalts gains advantage on all Intelligence checks for 1d4 hours. For each dose of soothsalts consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion—an effect which is cumulative with multiple doses. Soothsalts are valued at 150 gp per dose.
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