BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned - olive

Whispers to the Dark XXX

Queen Mab As we move up in the world, things seem to be more complicated rather than less. Our actions with the Lockbreaker have resulted in us being given the keep formerly owned by the Lord Merritt. This however doesn’t feel like a blessing, instead somewhat of a poison chalice, I dislike that people know where we are including our enemies. I miss the comfort of the road and the ability to dip into the shadows and hide when needed.   The rest of the Unbroken seem to be enjoying it though, the Wizards are spending their days in the study reading books, Sabali seems to be drawing on his temple arts imbuing his shadow with purpose and direction. Our resident cleric has hallowed our grounds in fear that we are the targets of the Lockbreaker’s toys, and I can sometimes hear yelling from Orlando’s new workshop.   This rise in our respective status however has meant we have now drawn the ire of a local vampire, he has killed one of our men, infiltrated our servants with spies and we believe he is preparing an attack on our recently acquired fort. I am therefore writing on behalf of the Unbroken to request the aid of you and the Winter Court. If you could spare some of the Winter Guard, A small force just to sure up the defences during the night, it would be appreciated.   Your Knight

Whispers to the Dark XXIX
18th Misuthar

My Queen,   There is much to tell, since speaking at the Shade Temple we have journeyed to Emon and the Cinder Scar to investigate the rift disruptions there, under the direction of Palmer Cooke, the master of information on the Tal’Dorei Council.   A local fort guarding the scar drew our suspicions, and through Zeni’s scrying magic she was able to confirm that the resident Lord was somehow involved in the use of these resonance stones. We proceeded to investigate the scar itself, and discovered several of these stones had been unleashed forming rifts to the fire plane, we battled a giant and elementals, and were able to retrieve an intact stone and investigate it before it was destroyed. Through this, we confirmed that this was indeed mortal magic, and specifically human-crafted in design. Simeon gained further guidance on the stones condition from his goddess, with the Moonweaver informing him;   “Lockbreaker’s toys cannot be undone.”   We decided to return to the fort under the cover of darkness, intent on gaining further knowledge of the Lord and what connection he had to the stones and the rifts. We were able to infiltrate the fort and study of the lord, however he was not alone. Three individuals were conspiring to destroy evidence and discussing the fact that the Unbroken were coming. A fact that only ourselves, Palmer Cooke and Allura Vysoren were aware of. There is always a chance we had been scryed upon or some form of warning was given elsewhere, but I am somewhat suspicious for I trust the Unbroken. There is also the chance that our new companion Tarathiel is working against us, but evidence of their fight of the demons in Whitestone and putting themselves in danger in recent events means perhaps less weight on that likelihood. Of the three, we killed the bodyguard, captured the lord, but the third unknown figure escaped, something which I deeply regret, as we later discovered on through the lord’s interrogation, this was the leader. Although this tiefling’s true name is hidden, he went by Azeyroth which Tarathiel tells us is Abyssal for ‘Lockbreaker’… at least we were successful in ended this particular operation that crafted these ‘Gateway Stones’ which the Lord confirmed he had made.   The more troubling news however is perhaps the nature of the enemy, the Lord bears a tattoo dedicated to the Chained Oblivion and some of the Unbroken believe that the rifts opening and this Lockbreaker are related to this bound Betrayer God.   Raphael

Whispers to the Dark XXVIII
29th Horsial

Queen Mab   There is some to tell you, we have made progress in discovering the root of the issues concerning the shade temple. Two nights ago, Simeon communed with the Moonweaver whispering to the twilight. He brought some troubling auguries, firstly that Kenji the Blind is not in charge of the temple which caused some distress to Sabali, and secondly the orders that led to Sabali’s attempted assassination on Lord Percy came from ‘many mouths’, which is less clear, but the indication that the authority of the Shade Temple is certainly not it once was.   We scouted using Zeni’s magick, and that showed us that the temple was still inhabited by monks, and proceeded then in disguise as group of pilgrims looking to visit the shrine to Feng Li. We were met by a drow named Vitalius, who identified himself has the head of the temple, and told another version of the legend surround Feng Li, this one was of him being a consort to Mother Winter before the ascension. Sabali & Simeon used this distraction to invisibly investigate the deeper reaches of the temple and establish more information and possibly look for Kenji. Barring some disruption, they were successful in locating Kenji, who had been severely beaten and tortured over the months, and was then smuggled out of the temple to the rest of the Unbroken.   We escaped to our camp and established some of the potted history, Kenji had been overthrown by Vitalius, who was aided by ‘shadows’, though he made it clear that Vitalius was not the ultimately authority there. This means that all orders that have come from the temple the past months have been in service of something else than Feng Li’s teachings.   We have concluded to address the situation tomorrow after we rest, then we remove the threat.

Whispers to the Dark XXVII

Queen Mab It has been some time since our conversation, I thank you for again for the insight given, with the knowledge we have let the Master of Information for Tal’Dorei’s council know of the ‘mortal’ nature of the magic surrounding the resonance stones. However, the same night that we spoke, the city of Whitestone was set upon by demons, brought forth by these very resonance stones. The purpose of this attack is unclear and, in my opinion, may be related to the attempted assassination of the Lord Percival. It would be a significant coincidence for the two to have occurred without relation to each other.   The Unbroken have journeyed south with the intent of investigating the Shade Temple, and the origins of Sabali’s orders. On the river, we were accosted by yuan-ti, who have been ambushing those who travel by river and their presence has been noticeably increased of late according to our guide. These creatures are powerful enchanters and relics of a by-gone era, worshiping evil ‘old gods’ with ill-intent in the pursuit of self-driven power. We arrived via Drynna and found things to be well there.   Purchasing passage on a ship as guards, we were set upon pirates once clear of the coast, which has brought us some fortune coming to an arrangement on the spoils. Through interrogating the pirates, we have learnt of some of Captain Drakkar’s movements in past months, as the ship was a sister to his own.   I have seen my powers changing somewhat, the blade is connecting me to the shadow more and I can feel myself growing in power, I am curious to find out more at the shade temple beyond what we have come searching for. With the temple having significance to the Raven Queen, should there be action for the court needed here, please let me know, I would not wish to cause issue to a sanctuary dedicated in part to Mother Winter and her champion.    

A Dream of Winter

The snow crunched beneath Raphael’s feet, a slow methodical rythmn as his steps continued forward. How long had he been travelling? When had he started? And where was he? Questions that should have been more concerning to him, but instead he continued forward with unknown purpose, resolved that this was the right path. After an unknown period of time, he stood before great walls of Ice and black stone raised high in ca clear pattern, the tops of these walls were patrolled by creatures he could not recognise at this distance. The cold chill in the air turned a notice shade cooler, and then she stood before him. Pale blue lips on alabaster skin, dark hair that cascaded down and eyes that seemed deep enough to drown unknowing mortals. “My knight, you are troubled” it was not a question but the implication was there. Indeed he was troubled, he had spoken prayers in her name, and the recent revelations of two of his comrades had made his thoughts even darker of late. First however, was the question of this moment and this place. “Is this place real and am I here?” asked the knight “This is a dream, but that does not lessen its reality, but first tell me of what ails you?” “You gave me some warning of the Lord of the Wild Hunt, we did what we could not to bargain, but my companion made a deal, and as I heard it, she is now his” “You did well in the Feywild, he knew you to be my servant but he did not get your name, for even you could not give it, should you wish to. As for your friend, whilst the Urlking is singular in his purpose, the protection of his realm and the needs of the wild hunt. I would not worry yourself with what he would ask of her, I don’t expect him to move against the subjects’ winter or its allies, but you should warn her if he should ask such a thing.” The knight was somewhat comforted by these words, and knew the Queen of the Unseelie, could not tell a lie, and so he continued with the other thoughts that robbed him of restful sleep.   “The Lord of the Hunt was unaware of what had caused the rift to the Feywild, but I have been informed that it is the result of magic linked to this” He gestured his hand and floating in it was a ‘so called’ resonance stone, shown to him the day before my Tal’Dorei’s master of information. The Queen of Air and Darkness, reached out her delicate hands plucking the illusion from the air and cast her eyes over it, rotating it slowly in front of her curious eyes.   “Ahh, well done my champion, this… this is not fey magic, but something much more dangerous… it is mortal magic” and after some pause and consideration she continued, “you must continue to investigate the cause of this”. The knight bowed his head and considered his next question for his patron.   “During one of our previous meetings, I asked you of the Shade Temple. It seems that they have hunted more than they should and their purpose has shifted, my companion is now doubting his allegiance and I believe this to be right, what do you know of their intentions?”   “What do you know of my mother?”   I know she bore this sword before you.” Frostweaver hung heavy at the knight’s belt, and in this moment an unspoken exchange was acknowledged, that the knight had learned more of the blades origins beyond what she had chosen to tell him. This new knowledge brought fresh perspective to their first meeting where assumptions were made and promises kept based on something that whilst not a lie, was not the whole truth. That moment had led to their respective roles as servant and queen, but now in this moment a gentle shift began.   “Feng Li is a saint to the Shade Temple, and was once a creature that worked in opposition to my mother, she was merciful and gave him a chance at redemption, and in doing so he became her champion. He led the Temple in a great purpose to fight a plague of undeath that washed the land. That however was some time ago, and the Shade Temple may not be all that it once was.” This set a firm resolve in the knight, who knew what needed to be done, and know having addressed the needs of his companions turned inward, to his deep gnawing fear.   “It would be appropriate to ask a third question” for he knew there was power in the number “and so I will say, do you know of the Hollow Man?” at this her eyes sparkled and she simply replied,   “Yes, but that is something you need to figure out yourself” and so he bowed and she was gone.   The Knight awoke to screams.

Whispers to the Dark XXVI

Queen of the Unseelie   We completed the task for the Lord of the Hunt, slaying the Fomorian and Druid before a difficult journey back to the Wild Hunt’s Revelry.   I am afraid to say that the Lord was now able to see through my disguise, but thankfully claimed that he had no qualms with you or I.   I sadly have more disturbing news, Enessa is now twice bound to the Wild fey, she is still in debt to Sariel, and now she has agreed to serve the Lord of the Hunt. I overheard the conversation and it is clear she is to be his servant. Once I confronted her in this, she claimed she had agreed to favours, but the words from the lord I heard were clear, “bound to his service”. She did this all for a bow it seems, the child doesn’t understand the truth of her choice, I have no doubt, but I realise that you should know this.   I would ask you tell me of his motives, what would he seek from her, I have only seen him to be an individual with fleeting goals, but does he have a wider purpose?   Raphael

Whispers to the Dark XXV
2nd Horsial

My Queen, Whilst you were visiting me it appears you weren’t the only Exarch present, for Enessa was approached by one Sariel Oakenheel, a being associated with the Wildmother and who has brought Enessa’s beast Ussi back from the beyond. Enessa in turn apparently offered anything in return, but I am unsure, as is she, what the true terms were.   We located the Lady Vex’ahlia, and she told us of the events that had led to her being now alone in the parchwood. Her hunting party had vanished during a fight with these savagers that they had set out to hunt. Once we returned to the area, our wizard identified a ‘planar rift’ that appears to be the cause of the disappearance, and as I am sure you knew, was a path to the Feywild.   Upon arriving here I fear that we have become entangled in the wishes of an Archfey who calls himself the Lord of the Hunt. The hunters that had gone missing it seems had been taken by him and were given a choice that is no real choice at all. A choice that has been now offered to us.   I have hidden my relationship to you as instructed, but the advice to not enter any agreements appears somewhat unavoidable when dealing with this fey. He is one-minded in his approach to intruders in this plane and has declared we either join the hunt or become prey. I tried to heed your warnings with this individual but the protection of guest-right only took us to a point. His first offer was that if we hunted a Fomorian by the name of Cachalain and returned victorious in twenty-four hours we would leave with the other hunters, but if we failed, we would join his hunt. Instead we countered that we would not serve if we failed, but would prefer to simply be marked as prey, and then likely die, but die free…   I know that your wish is for your knight to be independent of your protection, but I will ask for any assistance so that we may succeed in our task, this Lord as you will know is strong beyond our power and should we fail in our task, then being hunted will likely be a short affair.

Whispers to the Dark XXIV
31st Duscar

Mab   I find myself on the road again, heading northward to a town called Whitestone, the events of the past two weeks have seen us hunting orcs on the plains, speaking to the dead, and calling in the winter. We had trekked into the plains in search of a ravager warlord, but instead found something we couldn’t beat, Arin has said our bounty was in fact a ‘slaughterlord’, some disciple of the Ruiner, which called down fire upon us and we barely escaped alive. Sabali is frustrated that we couldn’t defeat this ‘Kadar’, and we collectively realised we needed to be stronger to remove him. Orlando has expressed that he feels powerless based off his lack of magic compared to the rest of the unbroken, he does himself a disservice, his skill with his fantastical weapon and combat prowess has served us well in many fights, but the idea has taken root in his mind and now we travel to assuage it. He tells us Whitestone is home to some lord who is a master smith or something of that nature, who may help him.   I am glad to be on the move again, feet were starting to itch and I had had my fill of Westruun, too much politicking and people positioning themselves around us, either intent on using us or trapping us. The Clasp, Myriad and Cobalt Soul are just people moving pieces on the board and I am not their piece. For Winter’s crest I made offerings to you and sang with the folk once the Unbroken had concluded their festivities.   We saved a young girl from the fire tonight, in the name of gods, another innocent was going to burn. Her own father would burn her as a witch, the priest spoke of devils, demons and the righteous path. Ceri advocated peace, but her words fell upon deaf ears and instead we stole the girl away, and the father too. It was the conviction with which he spoke that made it clear he couldn’t be left to tend his hateful flock. The task was left to me, I had no qualms being the one who holds the blade, Ceri appeared conflicted, Enessa resolute, Sabali vengeful, but I did not want an audience to the task, or opinions on justice.   Raphael

Whispers to the Dark XXIII
12th Duscar

My Queen, The past two weeks have seen the excitement of the Pennertons ordeal put to bed.   I have pondered upon your last request to me and commissioned a shield, with a self-made design; A white tree on a field of midnight blue, the branches of the tree reach out to a ring of seven stars, and on closer inspection the white frost clings to all.   Those with some knowledge of the fey will see it as a tree in winter, with a ring of seven stars around it. Seven being the number of power, I had thought about the number three as well, but read that it was reserved for royalty, and therefore your domain, not mine. To others, and those I do not wish to tell my secrets, it is the heraldry of Raphael’s house, and the ‘Neverwood’ façade may seed a little further.   The Unbroken rest, before whatever comes next. Ceri and Arin would have us chase corruption in the council of Westruun, a truly dull affair if you ask me, dealing in the affairs of politicians, a further ‘direction’ from the Cobalt Soul, with no clear gain. The unconfirmed suggestion is that the Clasp is the hand upon the tiller and I feel that our connection to them through Draygon would lead this to be a messy affair that may be turned upon us. All in all, the juice is not worth the squeeze.   Instead, there is an opportunity to collect a bounty in the plains of some Ravager Warlord, apart from the obvious benefit of coin, I thought back to one of your first tasks for me and felt if they be your enemies, this was the right path.   Your servant

Whispers to the Blade II

Frostweaver, I have learnt tonight that you are simply sleeping, lying in wait to awake, perhaps you are dreaming?   I have been dreaming too it seems, and now with the winter chill around us, I am dreaming of our first meeting, reminded of the crack of ice, the blinding light and deep shadow. The rush of memories long held, the racing images with the nameless faces of those who came before. Is that not what I am? Just another nameless face, one more in a line stretching back into the annals of history? Or perhaps I too am sleeping, dreaming, and ready to wake.   If what I have learnt is true, then perhaps I am not just a servant, and we are not just a scalpel to be held, to cut where commanded.   But for this I will need to be more and know more, and not all those who have held you are without name – Karkematth, Karkematth, Karkematth

Whispers to the Dark XXII
1st Duscar

My Queen, Today we taste victory, after two weeks of investigating, plotting, and admittedly failing, we now have succeeded.   We rescued Lord Duncan from the clutches of the Myriad, returned him to his son, and achieved our main goal of ending the counterfeit operation to release Wind from her foolish debt to the Clasp. We had managed to surprise the lodge with Edon believing Salgoroth was still in control of the Exchequer, and it appears he never warned the Myriad in the process. I felt a deep satisfaction, when the halfling leader sent a message to kill the boy once we had escaped, believing himself to still hold some semblance of power over the situation. I told him to run, and run he did, as the Shields under Captain Rance found the lodge quickly stripped of valuables.   Draygon has returned Wind’s blood, though I suspect we will not have seen the last of him. We have been praised by the Pennertons and other local nobility which suits us greatly. The Unbroken and I are now more established in Westruun, and I will see how best to use that influence to further your goals. I will continue to carve a path in this world with Frostweaver at my side and your will in my heart.

Whispers to the Dark XXI
29th Cuersaar 835PD

It is fair to say I hurt everywhere, the Pennerton’s vault were home to a magical ogre that could shift its form, turn invisible and into some kind of gas, it was a tough fight, and now I need to rest before the early hours when we must fight again.   Upon entering the Exchequer, the bank manager was more frightened than anything else, and Ceri used some sort of divine power to charm him into just confessing, and then he began to openly weep before us. An impressive enchantment no doubt. The lower vaults were where the Myriad were operating the forgery and where he believed Thomas was being held. We made it down, removing the threat as we went. One of the Myriad said that the leader here was called Salgoroth, and once we encountered him, his human form shifted into some kind of magical ogre that Arin informs us was an Oni.   Orlando was able to swiftly remove a sending stone from the creature, helping to try and ensure no kill command reached Duncan’s captors. We were close to a complete victory, when the Oni realised it’s imminent death, it turned invisible and hid from our sight.   I felt your presence during the fight and though it inspired us to rescue Thomas, the Oni sadly escaped. Though not before I was able to hopefully sow some discord between it and Edon. I claimed that we had been sent by Edon to kill Salgoroth, and now at least we can hope it has not returned to Edon and revealed what we have done. Now I just wait for Edon to send word to Salgoroth and for me to answer as best I can.   Yours

Whispers to the Dark XX
29th Cuersaar 835PD

Queen of Air and Darkness, please grant me your blessing, for tonight we act. The plan is simple, we walk in invited from earlier reconnaissance, myself and Ceri, under the guise of a Lord and bodyguard depositing something precious in their vaults.   Arin and Ceri have both advocated that we tell the truth and attempt to persuade the bank manager, and should it turn out that he doesn’t have the will to help us or simply fears the Myriad too much to allow us, then I will quietly incapacitate him. Whatever his position on the events that brought us here, fear appears to motivate his actions, and with that I am concerned he will turn against us. Regardless of the outcome, we shall take his keys and move through the mint to find our quarry, Wind and I can focus on further locks, with Sabali having brewed up some sleeping poison we can try to infiltrate quietly and with unnecessary harm.   Enessa has persuaded some local hunters to be on standby to take us as quickly as they can through to the Pennerton’s lodge. Once we are successful, or I guess ‘if we are successful’, then we can attempt to free Lord Duncan before Edon and the Myriad become aware of our actions and move against us… or him… The key will to move quickly as we have no idea how the communications between Edon and the Exchequer are done, but should we not reach him, we would have ultimately accomplished the task we set out to do, and the price would be his lordship.   Your Knight

Whispers to the Dark XIX
28th Cuersaar

I sit here staring upon the Pennerton exchange, my goal, watching for any sign or options of entry. I have already scouted inside and found there to be many guards and watchful eyes.   Our journey to the hunting lodge did not go as planned last night, we made it through the front door and met with the Lord, who was being babysat by a halfling named Edom. We presented ourseves as a Lord, Lady and entourage, caught in the forest hunting with no where to stay. My companion Enessa appears to have the documents of a Lady of lands beyond Tal’Dorei, something that is news to me and which don’t bear the same marks of forgery that my papers do. What became clear was that Edom and the rest of the Myriad had taken the Lord Duncan hostage and the same fate has befallen his son Thomas, though his exact location is unknown. Thankfully our hand was not completely revealed, the Myriad consider us amateur thieves who had stumbled upon them and believe us unaware of the wider circumstances.   We left the enemy there, protected by the walls and with Lord Pennerton as hostage, and I couldn’t help feel by leaving we had signed the man’s death warrant and made our venture harder by extension. For surely, once we infiltrate the mint, if they have any means to contact Edom, they will know the plan has failed and that he is simply a loose end to be cut away.   Your servant

Whispers to the Dark XVIII
27th Cuersaar

My queen,   We arrived in Westruun yesterday. I had spent some time on the road talking with Orlando, someone who I hadn’t really spoken to in a great deal and just one to one before, we discussed the potential ways we could, in theory, infiltrate the exchequer, and he had a good idea regarding crafting a concealing chest of sorts.   Once we were a little more settled, Wind did well to extract information from the seedy tavern we found ourselves in, she seemed to be speaking in some sort of code I was unfamiliar with and which allowed her to gain entry more easily, I should ask her how it works.   Fingers was not what I expected, similarly to myself, ‘Fingers McCreedy’ is a façade for an elegant elf who is an obviously skilled counterfeiter. A useful ally for the future potentially, someone who I can learn to hone my own skills and who may provide access to the underworld of Westruun. She explained the nature of the counterfeit coin was based on the gold being mixed with a lesser unidentified base metal.   Thomas Pennerton has not been seen in sometime, he I believe, from Draygon’s explanation, is the best potential access point to the exchequer and therefore would be imperitive to locate him, and so I find myself once again in some dank wood, trudging through moss and wildlife, in search for a hunting lodge. Raphael

Whispers to the Dark XVII
15th Cuersaar

My Queen,   An interesting turn of events has occurred this evening following my earlier update.   Upon returning to Eagles Landing, a message had been left for Wind that bore the symbol that represents the Clasp. I was familiar with it from my time in Kymal under the guise of Kyros.   Wind has previously explained that she had an unfortunate encounter with the Clasp and was indebted to them. A half-elf, whose name I recognised, and went by Draygon, came for a meeting not just with Wind but all the Unbroken. He believed that he could extract a favour from us for the favour owed by Wind, attempting to intimidate us with the poem that Sabali had made for us. He had on his person one of two vials of blood that from the description was some form of debt contract the Clasp had with Wind, such crude magic if you ask me.   It seems that counterfeit coin has saturated the Westruun black market and this is believed to be the result of the Myriad (a rival thieves guild). The clasp wishes us to secure evidence of this and end the activity, with a particular mint (the Pennerton Exchequer) being the suspected heart of the operation. I did manage to secure with the Clasp that the balance of the deal was unfavourable and should we succeed, the Clasp would owe us a favour.   I must confess that the idea of a bank robbery has interested myself greatly, simply for the fact that it allows me to tap into some of my gifts that until now have lay dormant, and there is the opportunity to flex my powers under more trying circumstance. It is clear however that it is the most logical course of action to work with the Clasp here instead of against them. Though I wish to apply your style of logical thinking to the task and anticipate some outcomes that I can plan for.   Ceri is greatly disturbed by this turn of events, concerned not only of the act itself but of the risk of betrayal by the Clasp. I fear not that she is right but that her unbending nature will cause us difficulty in the task, and I will therefore need to accommodate that in the plan. Though I tried to assure her that there is even honour amongst thieves. I shall take out some insurance on Draygon, and possibly the Clasp, following through on his end should we succeed.   I shall provide the next update when we are in Westruun and know more. Until then my lady.   Your Knight

Whispers to the Dark XVI
15th Cuersaar

My Queen,   Thank you for the privilege of your presence on the night of Acension, and my continued apologies for misinterpreting your wishes.   Today, we have investigated the northern docks of Drynna, and uncovered small smuggling activity that had disturbed a Sahuagin Shrine to some shark deity. This explains the attacks some weeks back and the increased Sahuagin activity. Removed the threat, recovered wealth and took action to prevent smugglers further disturbing sanctuary.   Raphael

Whispers to the Blade I
14th Cuersaar

Frostweaver? Can you hear me? You chose me? Didn’t you? What did you see in me? I need to be stronger... Can you help me?  

Whispers to the Dark XV
13th Cuersaar

My Queen,   It has been good to have a more restful week sleeping in a real bed again since our time in the swamp. It is good that I no longer need to hide myself from my companions, though I still walk the streets of Drynna as Lord Neverwinter. I would never of had the courage to tell them without your guidance, so my thanks once again.   Before I left Althia, I gave her the heartstone of her sister and she gave some warning to me in regard of Frostweaver, that I didn’t understand the sword as I thought I did. I must confess it shook me slightly for I have felt a tugging power before from the sword fighting my will, but it has bought be nothing but blessings so far.   I returned the amended journal of Baritihia to the counsellor and told him the third hag had died some time ago. I have spent a little time talking with the downtrodden of the city, made a point to hand out food and offering bowls to the fey to some of the local children, may you grant them protection. My companions mainly spent the days to themselves with a few helping the former villagers of Bel or tinkering alone on their various interests, but we saw each other in the evenings.   You expressed an interest to meet my companions and with the night of Acension upon us, I feel this is the perfect opportunity to present my friends to you with me as your night beside you.   Until tonight my queen.

Whispers to the Dark XIV
8th Cuersaar

Thank you my Queen,   I interrogated Althia and concluded she was not a culprit in the plague wrought by her sisters, but perhaps an injured party too. Whilst her complacency to act against her sisters carries some weight, one which the wizard felt was significant, she has done some good works in the interests of the town. She referred to me in moment of anger as your ‘hitman’ rather than a sworn knight, but I do not hold it against her, she has lost much and I was perhaps too cold in my approach to extracting the necessary information. Following all that could be said, I have removed all references to her in Baritihia’s journal and that should be the end of that, though I am curious what part you wished me to play in all this? I assume you knew of Drynna’s plague and the role the Hags played, so have I performed this task as required?   As for my companions, you were right again, I feel the burden of my secrets lifted with them. The ‘Unbroken’, as we have taken to calling ourselves, have grown closer. They know my story and I know theirs. A few of them have more empathetic histories to mine than others; the drow has walked a lonely path and the sergeant holds a secret weapon that has been a focus of his years. The rogue has had some run-ins with the Clasp, and I am curious to know if we share any history there, as brief as it may be for me. The others are searching, for vengeance or answers, all things I can support where needed. I was curious to hear the cleric tell his story, one whose quiet nature was now seen to be an affected sadness for the mystery of his lost parents. The tabaxi and wizard have lived short but difficult lives and spoke of a Captain Drakkar who is the subject of their ire and whose location is unknown to them. I know I must manage my emotions, but I struggle to contain my anger for this individual who would steal and beat children, and would ask if you see fit to be directed to this person so I may end him.   The one who worries me still is the paladin, I have been unable to gauge her opinion of me or her intent moving forwards. We have no doubt worked well together in persuading others, and I have done my best to show her that our goals are aligned though methods not always. I could tell a shift in her disposition when she heard of my past, and my earliest memories. She is resolute in her beliefs and at times uncompromising, she did seem to take issue with my oath, as though hers were any different. Regardless, I have told the truth and my companions remain, and so again I thank you for your wisdom.   Lastly, the night of ascension is almost upon us and I will honour it as best as I can, with your blessing.   Your Knight


?Unknown?   I woke in the dark. Cold snow and dirt surrounded me, and as I opened my mouth to breath, the dirt cascaded into it. Desperately my hands clawed at the dirt and snow digging in front of my face until I felt a cold sharp wind at my fingertips. My lungs burnt at the cold air causing me to wretch and cough with rasps of sweet relief as my aching body emerged from the ground. Where was I? looking up at the sky and at the snow I instinctually knew that I was in the Frostweald. But how did I get there? I reached into my mind and found… nothing. Panic flooded me as my very existence seemed to just be a fog of darkness, my head pounded with a pressure. Mouth was dry as I cupped snow and ice into it to quench my thirst. I searched around for any clues and saw in the clearing were several mounds of snow, similar to the one I found myself, the nearest had the hilt of a short sword protruding from it and I grabbed it. My hands were numb with the cold and fumbled with the sword in hand. Then I saw it, at the edge of the clearing stalked a humongous white wolf, I stared it down sword in hand, keeping myself low, as it slowly circled the area before shortly disappearing into the trees. My eyes continued to search around and I saw the mouth of a cave just beyond the clearing. I moved towards it shivering as the whipped my legs and back as though pushing me towards the relative safety of the cave. The cave seemed to be more hospitable than the cold of the outside. Though for the strangest feeling I could sense it was not warmer, but just less painful, perhaps as a relief from the wind. It was dark, and my still blinking eyes struggled to see clearly, but standing in the cave was a gentle glow of ethereal light surrounding a fair elven lady. I can’t really express how magnificent she was, she was certainly beautiful, with porcelain skin and dark hair, her eyes were the deepest blue I could have imagined. She asked who I was, and her voice had a lilting harmonious quality to it, I tried again for some recollection of anything, and couldn’t remember. She thought that curious and with the slightest of expressions, her chin nodded towards what I could now see as silver bound chest a short way from her. I moved towards it, not wishing to displease this lady. She encouraged me to open it and I saw a long wrapped cloth of cyan adorned with silver stars. The blade was clearly elven in design, a long thin curve of silver, the handle a cris-cross of blue and white with an uncut diamond for the pommel. I grasped the handle of this beautiful blade, felt a force wash over me as memories which were not my own played out in my mind. I’m an elven woman cutting through dozens of orcs across fields of death, I’m a dwarf driving the blade through the skull of a minotaur, dozens of memories of people who had come before… and I was plunged again into cold darkness. She said she was curious to see what would happen and gestured to our surroundings, my eyes became clearer now and saw dozens of frozen statues throughout the cave, fear and pain wrought upon their frozen faces, apparently the blade was not so forgiving for them. She told me her name was Mab and that I was to be her servant, and she my lady. The blade had the name Frostweaver and it was forged in a time of great war to be a weapon that would slay gods. She took it from me then and said that I wasn’t ready for it now as it contained the very power of winter. Instead her hands passed over the short sword on the floor changing its shape to that of Frostweaver but without the runic magic. Her cool hands reached out and took my face, I felt a rush of energy between us, her eyes looked deep into my and she spoke again. “Travel to Syngorn and find yourself an identity. Await my instructions, and prove yourself.”   Syngorn I slept in the streets, I stole what I needed, and survived best I could, I kept watch over sleeping children living in the streets as I was. One day a golden ring found it’s way into my possession. I had lived on the streets for long enough, why not use this ring and build myself a more noble identity. I persuaded a tailor to make me some fine clothing and slipped into a new class of nobility and found it to be comfortable. From a book, I read of Lyrengorn, the elvish mountain city in the north, and chose it as my new ‘home’. It serves two purposes, it’s remote enough to have few who can confirm my stories, and it’s neutral position in politics will mean no allegiances owed and given. I also read something about my queen as well, whilst the books seem to ignore her magnificence and beauty, they do explain something of the nature of fey and the courts, it’s intriguing, especially if I am now a follower of winter and my lady. It even suggests that the mysterious Raven Queen is a deity aligned to winter and possibly the court. It took some time but I’d built Lord Raphael Neverwood up from nothing, a hedge knight within the order the Moonweaver, and a servant to a high priestess. I rose quickly in the city, and established contacts and papers that would fool all but the keenest of eyes. Then it came. I am incredibly grateful to have had a missive from my lady, the instructions were to relieve a noble of his belongings in front of a certain tavern at a certain time. My quick hands served me well and I learnt later that he was servant of summer.   Kymal Upon arriving, it quickly became clear that this was not a place where Lord Raphael Neverwood would thrive, so I took to the more seedy taverns, and asked people to call me Kyros Kalantir. A gentleman and a rogue, which served me well. I relied on information bought and sold between street urchins and eventually I performed some small tasks for the Clasp. During a night of drinking, a fight broke out with a few bearing the tattoo of the Ravager and few locals. One Ravager Half-orc focused on me and I felt the cold breeze and some spectral frost guide me to the savage’s heart, and I understood what my lady wished me to do, he turned to strike me but I was faster and with a single thrust of my blade I drove it deep into the heart of my attacker. The next day a missive appeared in my coat telling me to head to Drynna. My work seemed to have pleased her.

Whispers to the Dark XIII
8th Cuersaar

It’s been harder to find a quiet moment to speak to you my queen.   It was a tough journey back to Drynna with people of Bel in tow, lost a few through attacks in the swamp and a few to sickness. I was surprised that a some were foolish enough to consider remaining in the swamp once the Hags spell had lifted. Perhaps their minds were still clouded but we did our best to let them see reason. The wizard did confirm that the curse and affected magic had begun to fade in the swamp following Baritihia’s death.   My Drow companion did very well indeed to convince an instigator, I had perhaps misjudged her capacity to influence others. I hear also that our sergeant had found a bond with a gnomish villager that was instrumental in convincing the last stragglers to concede and join us for the journey. My approach was to instil fear and have the people respond on a more instinctual level, it was my course to make them understand that they were the prey and not the hunters, with Barithia gone, and apply some logic to the matter, and this did not work as well as I had hoped. Their nature is closer to that of the children of summer and I instead helped prepare for the journey. The paladin gave a moving speech to the village, it felt more like a performance than a speech but again it was successful in achieving our goals. The people of Bel will be safer in Drynna, of that I have little doubt.   On returning to Drynna, we confronted the counsellor of the sunset lodge, I gave him as much information as I saw fit, the hags, the curse, Bel, and once I felt I had confirmed his innocence in the matter, I revealed more and asked him to make enquiries. Those who might know of the exact nature of the deal might give answer to the key question I have; Why the Hags acted now? He is fond of Althia, a pity perhaps with what might be done, and I left her part in this story out for now. That is where we go next. Guide me if you see fit, but I think I find myself in the role of judge.   Yours

Whispers to the Dark XII
25th Quen'Pillar 835PD

It is done my queen, the hag Barithia is destroyed, and with her the curse I hope.   I am gracious for your wisdom, for without, I fear we would have been hunting her across the swamp for weeks. When we had come across her dwelling, she had vanished into the ethereal and we could not follow. I will take your words to heart and seek honesty with my companions once safe in the town again, they will learn that there is nothing to fear from you, or indeed me. They certainly have potential and power, and I intend to continue with them unless you command it otherwise.   With the hag's journal in hand, we have answered some questions and raised a few more. The third sister was named Seleena and died at Barithia’s hand, through some disagreement over their revenge against the people of Drynna. Althia apparently left and has her ‘own plans for Drynna’, which does not bode well in my eyes, but all three were driven from Drynna after taking action to save the town from the Chroma-Conclave attacks some decades ago. It sounds like another example of people not understanding the fey, and their ignorance leading to violence. Though, in truth, the hags had taken the direct action against the people, but there will a need to ask some questions of the sunset lodge and their role in this tragedy.   Barithia had enthralled the people of Bel and they stood dumbstruck whilst we tried to reason with the hag, who had become quite delirious, curious that her madness had affected her so, I was admittedly tired from the enduring tasks of the day, but I tried to use the logic and reason of our court, I even invoked your name to see if it would lessen her rage, but to no avail. With your help I managed to remove the heartstone from her, and then we ended it.   There are still a few questions for the morning, what role have the gnolls played in this affair? Is the curse truly ended? And what of these snarled ley-lines? And how do we return these people to Drynna?   But until then good night, and thank you.

Whispers to the Dark XI
25th Quen'Pillar 835PD

My lady, I talk to you because it often feels you are the only one I can talk to.   I took a risk summoning the sprite, and I hope it was worth it. He confirmed the growing fear I had, three Hags it seems are at work here, Althia and Barithia’s true natures confirmed and one dead, the banshee from last night.   As I understand hags can often sit outside the courts, but is this my purpose and why you sent me to Drynna of all places? Did you send me here to punish or protect? If the latter then you must intervene because I will not, for the children of Drynna are sick with this curse and my mercy does not extend to those who hurt children. Never. The sergeant told me of how hags are born, I don’t believe you would condone that, I can’t believe that, and if I find that Baritihia or even Althia have taken this action then I don’t believe I can suffer them to live.   I felt something today, like Frostweaver was resisting my will, and that I found disturbing. You have taught me to maintain control of my surroundings and today, for many reasons, I felt like I was losing my grip on the situation and then, the blade wouldn’t release its grip on me. The wizard reached for it and my suddenness to shield him from the same fate of those frozen souls in the cave must have worried them further.   As for my companions, I am finding I am relying on them more every day, and the only thoughts that cross my mind are when will it end? And how? I find myself not wishing to disappoint them, but it is perhaps inevitable, maybe. They are wiser than I had given them credit for, some are nobler, some are smarter, some are kinder but all are still here in the stinking marsh bound together with nothing but a desire to help Drynna. I found myself talking of Mother Winter, and all the while I thought would she judge me? I am always grateful for what you did for me, I sometimes find the memory slips and fades in my mind of that day, but not you, never you.   Onwards to the Hag Barithia and hopefully to the answers we need, hopefully to the end of this curse and whatever comes next.

Whispers to the Dark X
25th Quen'Pillar 835PD

My Queen Further questioning of the Tabaxi and what he saw has raised greater concerns over the face of this banshee being the same as the Apothecary who calls herself Althia. We have confirmed with the villagers that Barithia looks identical to Althia the Apothecary and therefore the same face of the banshee. I fear the village of Bel is charmed by whatever power controls this swamp, when asked why one of them came to the swamp she told us that Drynna wasn’t safe and that Bartihia was the one to say that. I attempted to use logic and reason as you have told me to refute this to the villager we saved as best I could, but the charm seems to be strong. If this Althia and Barithia are one in the same, perhaps shapeshifters or one is impersonating the other? I do not know.   As we head north to confront the one known as Barithia, we were attacked by strange beasts that dwelt in the murky waters. I heard a unified voice echo from their reptilian throats and it spoke in the language of the fey. It said “You will pay” and “You fool”, I hope this was not directed at myself alone.   I believe there is no other way, I need answers, so I will summon my wild sprite friend, as I met him in Althia’s garden, I hope that he has more answers to questions we cannot ask of Althia right now. I fear that I must do this in the presence of my companions, as the knowledge is too important to do alone and there is no time before we reach Barithia. I have asked them to trust me and I hope that is enough.   Give me guidance my lady of Ice and Shadow, what must I do?

Whispers to the Dark VIII/IX
24th Quen'Pillar 835PD

Protect me my queen, It has been a long day. The screaming we had heard was that of four villagers taken by gnolls in the swamp. A bloody fight ensued with only one of the humans surviving, it was a gruesome affair I must confess and my companions did well in the face of savage beasts. The paladin seems blessed indeed and at one point golden wings emerged from her back and she rose in the sky like a beacon of hope, I have never seen such a thing. The survivor told us of their capture and that they were the residents of a small village in the swamped named Bel. These people have come to live here surprise me. Why would any choose such a life of misery in this fetid marshland? Some of their stories start with an unofficial leader who prefers to live alone and who calls herself Barithia. I am learning about ley lines from the wizard, I wish to understand the nuances of the weave in a such a way that I could take advantage, it sounds like they are just rivers of power. I had first thought the village was victim of a hag or something, and one of them had mentioned a ‘Lady of the Swamp’, which the knowledgeable cleric described as sounding like a banshee in these parts. I created a circle of protection using the same stones I used in my ritual with you. Sure, enough when we had settled into our camp, the spectre was seen by the paladin crossing the lake to one of the houses. The banshee’s wretched wail seemed to reach into my mind and soul and knocked me unconscious, I am to understand half of us befell the same fate. The paladin’s healing hands raised me to the fighting once again with Frostweaver serving me well, cutting through spirit as well as it would through flesh. I finished this specter and in its last moments, according to the tabaxi, the banshees face was that of the apothecary from Drynna, I do not know what this means, but I recall that below her house was the remains of a gnoll encampment, perhaps a coincidence, perhaps not. Yours

Whispers to the Dark VII
24th Quen’Pillar 835PD

My Lady, I find myself trudging through the swamp heading northward to whatever I hope ails the region, in search of answers. Last night we were set upon by some kind of reptilian creatures. Whilst unexpected that we were attacked in our bleak surroundings, there seems to be a pattern with the corpses, which were picked clean in the early hours. The ravenous hunger that I felt from the sickness is perhaps a driving force in the region? I spoke a long time with the Tabaxi during our watch, hoping to teach him of how his antics could affect our purpose. Instead I gained some insight into his moral compass, he’s driven to remove evil and I stumbled upon more important information, whilst he had expressed in the past an affinity to hiding in the shadows, this appears to stem from some service or teachings of a Shade Temple? I am not familiar with it, but perhaps this is something that can promote more alliances between us. I showed him some of my skills in manipulating shadows, and offered to teach him some new tricks. I believe I ingratiated myself by expressing that I too walk in shadow to serve a greater purpose. He certainly could show promise, if directed properly. I must go, a scream in the distance. Yours

Whispers to the Dark VI
23rd Quen’Pillar 835PD

Greatest of the Fey, I find myself a little time as the others prepare the camp in this evil swamp. You answered my prayers last night and it was my honour to see you again. What a mighty gift Frostweaver is, it’s masterful, such balance and power. I had forgot the grace of the blade and the thrumming energy that pulses through me when I take up the sword. I felt that rush when the blade was drawn against its first foe. A giant crocodile, though not the most glorious of enemies, but the power of the sword was undeniable, the temperature of the air dropped immediately on being drawn. We explored the swamp, with some members foraging herbs and plants, whilst the rest kept our eyes peeled for foes. The drow ranger informs us that there is a corruption stemming from the North and the wizard confirmed this, speaking of a disturbance in ‘ley lines’. Perhaps this is the reason you sent me to Drynna? The Tabaxi won’t stop bothering me, insisting I play games with him… perhaps I will. The wizard has sensed Frostweaver’s power and I told her it was a moonblade, and a gift from my lady. She offered to study it and I reminded her that faith doesn’t require one to ask questions. Your Knight

Whispers to the Dark V
22nd Quen'Pillar 835PD

My Lady, I have caught this sickness that plagues the town. The Tabaxi had cooked some meal that I could not tell if it was fish or pork and now suffer from this ravenous hunger. The Cleric and Paladin realised quickly and used their healing magics to reverse the effects. The town has requested my help again and I find myself with those same companions, tasked to investigate some marsh across the lake, and once more I bend the knee to serve these people, with the hope that work done now will save me work in the future. Preparation is key, as you taught me, I made a mould of an official town seal, and befriended the town’s log keeper, something for a rainy day perhaps, the man was obviously enamoured of me and his access could help me no doubt. We made the arrangements to sail the lake, and headed to the Northern docks where we were set upon by bloodthirsty fishlike folk. The leader paralysed me with a spell that I wish you would gift me, and I was set upon by it’s minions. The Cleric saved me and charged for the priestess. Again it seems I am not powerful enough yet, and I need your help to give me that power. My faith is shaken, I don’t know why I am here, what do you wish of me? So I have decided that tonight, I will ask for you, I will wait until the gloaming hours, and invoke your name, I can feel the power within me swell and yet I fell in battle again today, it is not enough. I need Frostweaver. I need your guidance. I need you.  

Whispers to the Dark IV - Downtime
21st Quen'Pillar 835PD

I am losing my faith my queen, have I offended you in some way? over the past two weeks, I have made offering bowls to gloaming fey in an attempt to invite the faeire folk into Drynna, whilst I have made a friend who goes by Moonflake, the sprite from the Apothecary’s garden, I thought why not have the lost children of the town make their own friends and I’ve shown them how to leave gifts for the fey. I hope this pleases you. I have befriended some of these children in Drynna as I believe they may become useful in gathering information in the future. I have not spent much time with the rest of the group, but they appear to be doing good work in growing our, and therefore my, reputation in the town. It appears that despite the medicine we have procured the sickness is getting worse.

Whispers to the Dark IV
7th Quen'Pillar 835PD

Queen of Air and Darkness Hear my words, We have rid the depths of the spider’s presence with the help of my companions, we found some treasure and what appeared to be a desiccated gnoll encampment. The apothecary and follower of the Wildmother has brewed the medicine and we have delivered them to the town.

Whispers to the Dark III
7th Quen'Pillar 835PD

Great Queen, I speak to you now after facing swarms of spiders in the depths below, I fell to the darkness twice in a flurry of legs and eyes and poison. I awoke once to the paladin who seems to be blessed with great healing powers and for a moment forgot my identity in front of them, and the second time to the drow, who I have perhaps misjudged. A companion fell to the great spider, and I was sure she had passed beyond the veil, but by some miracle lived. The young tiefling claims to be a wizard and has the power of foresight, but could not stop the onslaught of the Phase spider whose sting I had felt also. Mother Winter perhaps did not wish to claim her yet or perhaps she manipulated fate herself? She rests now recovering under the Apothecary’s care, before we journey back down to remove the remaining spiders. I need more power. Tell me what I must do, please, I am not strong enough. Bless me with your power, your devoted servant.

Whispers to the Dark II
6th Quen'Pillar 835PD

My great and beautiful lady. I’ve travelled to the Apothecary on behalf of the counsellor. There is apparently a growing sickness in the town and more medicine is needed. I am still accompanied by this group, who helped with some trifling trouble on the road with beasts and then bandits. The Tabaxi in the group claims to serve the shadow and could show promise, but his foolishness almost got me killed, and I let my anger control me, I hate not being in control of the situation. The apothecary has disturbed a spider’s nest in the caverns below and needs a certain moss for the town’s medicine. I find myself forced to pass out favours to build my reputation yet again. I came upon a fairy circle and waited to the gloaming hours. I think back to our first meeting and for a moment hoped to gaze upon your face again. Instead I found an unaligned sprite named Moonflake. A potential agent if I am so inclined, I offered food for future help. I feel your power grow within me and have discovered my sight in the dark improved as well as the ability to manipulate a glamour of my face. I thank you for my new gifts, and hope that they can better serve you. Yours.

Whispers to the Dark I
6th Quen'Pillar 835PD

My Queen, I have done as you commanded and journeyed to Drynna. Along the road, kept company with a paladin and cleric. The cleric asks more questions than I would care to answer but the paladin is good at filling the silences. I believe this arrangement lends power to my guise. I have tried to insert myself into the ruling class of Drynna and could gain the favour of a counsellor by seeking out the town’s apothecary. It seems I have found myself in a group of adventurers, who perhaps will aid our purpose. I am trying my best to disassociate from the tiefling rogue who is a known charlatan, for the good the paladin does to my reputation, she could reverse it. I came upon a drow ranger and fought my instinct to remove her, though am surprised to see one above ground and walking so freely in the town, she is not like I am led to believe. Please give me guidance, your humble servant.


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