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Mon 1st Nov 2021 10:47

Whispers to the Dark XXX

by Raphael

Queen Mab
As we move up in the world, things seem to be more complicated rather than less. Our actions with the Lockbreaker have resulted in us being given the keep formerly owned by the Lord Merritt. This however doesn’t feel like a blessing, instead somewhat of a poison chalice, I dislike that people know where we are including our enemies. I miss the comfort of the road and the ability to dip into the shadows and hide when needed.
The rest of the Unbroken seem to be enjoying it though, the Wizards are spending their days in the study reading books, Sabali seems to be drawing on his temple arts imbuing his shadow with purpose and direction. Our resident cleric has hallowed our grounds in fear that we are the targets of the Lockbreaker’s toys, and I can sometimes hear yelling from Orlando’s new workshop.
This rise in our respective status however has meant we have now drawn the ire of a local vampire, he has killed one of our men, infiltrated our servants with spies and we believe he is preparing an attack on our recently acquired fort. I am therefore writing on behalf of the Unbroken to request the aid of you and the Winter Court. If you could spare some of the Winter Guard, A small force just to sure up the defences during the night, it would be appreciated.
Your Knight

Raphael's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Whispers to the Dark I
    6th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  2. Whispers to the Dark II
    6th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  3. Whispers to the Dark III
    7th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  4. Whispers to the Dark IV
    7th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  5. Whispers to the Dark IV - Downtime
    21st Quen'Pillar 835PD
  6. Whispers to the Dark V
    22nd Quen'Pillar 835PD
  7. Whispers to the Dark VI
    23rd Quen’Pillar 835PD
  8. Whispers to the Dark VII
    24th Quen’Pillar 835PD
  9. Whispers to the Dark VIII/IX
    24th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  10. Whispers to the Dark X
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  11. Whispers to the Dark XI
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  12. Whispers to the Dark XII
    25th Quen'Pillar 835PD
  13. Whispers to the Dark XIII
    8th Cuersaar
  14. Origins
  15. Whispers to the Dark XIV
    8th Cuersaar
  16. Whispers to the Dark XV
    13th Cuersaar
  17. Whispers to the Blade I
    14th Cuersaar
  18. Whispers to the Dark XVI
    15th Cuersaar
  19. Whispers to the Dark XVII
    15th Cuersaar
  20. Whispers to the Dark XVIII
    27th Cuersaar
  21. Whispers to the Dark XIX
    28th Cuersaar
  22. Whispers to the Dark XX
    29th Cuersaar 835PD
  23. Whispers to the Dark XXI
    29th Cuersaar 835PD
  24. Whispers to the Dark XXII
    1st Duscar
  25. Whispers to the Blade II
    20 Mar 2021 04:04:46
  26. Whispers to the Dark XXIII
    12th Duscar
  27. Whispers to the Dark XXIV
    31st Duscar
  28. Whispers to the Dark XXV
    2nd Horsial
  29. Whispers to the Dark XXVI
    14 Jun 2021 06:59:00
  30. A Dream of Winter
    06 Jul 2021 03:40:57
  31. Whispers to the Dark XXVII
    16 Aug 2021 07:53:13
  32. Whispers to the Dark XXVIII
    29th Horsial
  33. Whispers to the Dark XXIX
    18th Misuthar
  34. Whispers to the Dark XXX
    01 Nov 2021 10:47:03

The major events and journals in Raphael's history, from the beginning to today.

Whispers to the Dark XXX

Queen Mab As we move up in the world, things seem to be more complicated rather than less. Our actions with the Lockbreaker have resulted in us being given the keep formerly owned by the Lord Merritt. This however doesn’t feel like a blessing, instead ...

10:47 pm - 01.11.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXIX

My Queen, There is much to tell, since speaking at the Shade Temple we have journeyed to Emon and the Cinder Scar to investigate the rift disruptions there, under the direction of Palmer Cooke, the master of information on the Tal’Dorei Council. ...

08:34 pm - 15.10.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXVIII

Queen Mab There is some to tell you, we have made progress in discovering the root of the issues concerning the shade temple. Two nights ago, Simeon communed with the Moonweaver whispering to the twilight. He brought some troubling auguries, firstly th...

01:42 pm - 05.09.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXVII

Queen Mab It has been some time since our conversation, I thank you for again for the insight given, with the knowledge we have let the Master of Information for Tal’Dorei’s council know of the ‘mortal’ nature of the magic surrounding the resonan...

07:53 pm - 16.08.2021

A Dream of Winter

A Dream of Winter The snow crunched beneath Raphael’s feet, a slow methodical rythmn as his steps continued forward. How long had he been travelling? When had he started? And where was he? Questions that should have been more concerning to him, but ins...

03:36 pm - 06.07.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXVI

Queen of the Unseelie We completed the task for the Lord of the Hunt, slaying the Fomorian and Druid before a difficult journey back to the Wild Hunt’s Revelry. I am afraid to say that the Lord was now able to see through my disguise, but thankfull...

06:58 pm - 14.06.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXV

My Queen, Whilst you were visiting me it appears you weren’t the only Exarch present, for Enessa was approached by one Sariel Oakenheel, a being associated with the Wildmother and who has brought Enessa’s beast Ussi back from the beyond. Enessa in tu...

07:49 pm - 23.05.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXIV

Mab I find myself on the road again, heading northward to a town called Whitestone, the events of the past two weeks have seen us hunting orc on the plains, speaking to the dead, and calling in the winter. We had trekked into the plains in search of a...

09:22 pm - 23.04.2021

Whispers to the Blade II

Frostweaver, I have learnt tonight that you are simply sleeping, lying in wait to awake, perhaps you are dreaming? I have been dreaming too it seems, and now with the winter chill around us, I am dreaming of our first meeting, reminded of the crack ...

04:04 pm - 20.03.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXIII

My Queen, The past two weeks have seen the excitement of the Pennertons ordeal put to bed. I have pondered upon your last request to me and commissioned a shield, with a self-made design; A white tree on a field of midnight blue, the branches of the ...

03:42 pm - 20.03.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXII

My Queen, Today we taste victory, after two weeks of investigating, plotting, and admittedly failing, we now have succeeded. We rescued Lord Duncan from the clutches of the Myriad, returned him to his son, and achieved our main goal of ending the cou...

03:28 pm - 28.02.2021

Whispers to the Dark XXI

It is fair to say I hurt everywhere, the Pennerton’s vault were home to a magical ogre that could shift its form, turn invisible and into some kind of gas, it was a tough fight, and now I need to rest before the early hours when we must fight again. ...

07:48 pm - 26.02.2021

Whispers to the Dark XX

Queen of Air and Darkness, please grant me your blessing, for tonight we act. The plan is simple, we walk in invited from earlier reconnaissance, myself and Ceri, under the guise of a Lord and bodyguard depositing something precious in their vaults. ...

05:19 pm - 21.02.2021

Whispers to the Dark XIX

I sit here staring upon the Pennerton exchange, my goal, watching for any sign or options of entry. I have already scouted inside and found there to be many guards and watchful eyes. Our journey to the hunting lodge did not go as planned last night, w...

02:54 pm - 12.02.2021

Whispers to the Dark XVIII

My queen, We arrived in Westruun yesterday. I had spent some time on the road talking with Orlando, someone who I hadn’t really spoken to in a great deal and just one to one before, we discussed the potential ways we could, in theory, infiltrate the ...

06:23 pm - 10.01.2021

Whispers to the Dark XVI

Whispers My Queen, An interesting turn of events has occurred this evening following my earlier update. Upon returning to Eagles Landing, a message had been left for Wind that bore the symbol that represents the Clasp. I was familiar with it fro...

11:29 am - 28.12.2020

Whispers to the Dark XVI

Queen Mab, Investigated Northern Docks of Drynna, uncovered small smuggling activity that had disturbed a Sahuagin Shrine to some shark deity. This explains the attacks some weeks back and the increased Sahuagin activity. Removed threat, recovered weal...

09:53 am - 18.12.2020

Whispers to the Blade I

Frostweaver? Can you hear me? You chose me? Didn’t you? What did you see in me? I need to be stronger... Can you help me? ...

12:49 pm - 14.12.2020

Whispers to the Dark XV

My Queen, It has been good to have a more restful week sleeping in a real bed again since our time in the swamp. It is good that I no longer need to hide myself from my companions, though I still walk the streets of Drynna as Lord Neverwinter. I would ...

12:41 pm - 14.12.2020

Whispers to the Dark XIV

Thank you my Queen, I interrogated Althia and concluded she was not a culprit in the plague wrought by her sisters, but perhaps an injured party too. Whilst her complacency to act against her sisters carries some weight, one which the wizard felt was s...

06:58 pm - 05.12.2020


?Unknown? I woke in the dark. Cold snow and dirt surrounded me, and as I opened my mouth to breath, the dirt cascaded into it. Desperately my hands clawed at the dirt and snow digging in front of my face until I felt a cold sharp wind at my fingerti...

10:06 am - 02.12.2020

Whispers to the Dark XIII

It’s been harder to find a quiet moment to speak to you my queen. It was a tough journey back to Drynna with people of Bel in tow, lost a few through attacks in the swamp and a few to sickness. I was surprised that a some were foolish enough to cons...

10:45 am - 27.11.2020

Whispers to the Dark XII

It is done my queen, the hag Barithia is destroyed, and with her the curse I hope. I am gracious for your wisdom, for without, I fear we would have been hunting her across the swamp for weeks. When we had come across her dwelling, she had vanished into...

08:34 pm - 18.11.2020

Whispers to the Dark XI

My lady, I talk to you because it often feels you are the only one I can talk to. I took a risk summoning the sprite, and I hope it was worth it. He confirmed the growing fear I had, three Hags it seems are at work here, Althia and Barithia’s true ...

08:22 pm - 11.11.2020

Whispers to the Dark X

My Queen Further questioning of the Tabaxi and what he saw has raised greater concerns over the face of this banshee being the same as the Apothecary who calls herself Althia. We have confirmed with the villagers that Barithia looks identical to Althia t...

11:00 am - 09.11.2020

Whispers to the Dark VIII/IX

Protect me my queen, It has been a long day. The screaming we had heard was that of four villagers taken by gnolls in the swamp. A bloody fight ensued with only one of the humans surviving, it was a gruesome affair I must confess and my companions did w...

12:28 pm - 30.10.2020

Whispers to the Dark VII

My Lady, I find myself trudging through the swamp heading northward to whatever I hope ails the region, in search of answers. Last night we were set upon by some kind of reptilian creatures. Whilst unexpected that we were attacked in our bleak surroundi...

01:29 pm - 14.10.2020

Whispers to the Dark VI

Greatest of the Fey, I find myself a little time as the others prepare the camp in this evil swamp. You answered my prayers last night and it was my honour to see you again. What a mighty gift Frostweaver is, it’s masterful, such balance and power. I h...

11:09 am - 08.10.2020

Whispers to the Dark V

My Lady, I have caught this sickness that plagues the town. The Tabaxi had cooked some meal that I could not tell if it was fish or pork and now suffer from this ravenous hunger. The Cleric and Paladin realised quickly and used their healing magics to re...

01:36 pm - 01.10.2020

Whispers to the Dark IV - Downtime

I am losing my faith my queen, have I offended you in some way? over the past two weeks, I have made offering bowls to gloaming fey in an attempt to invite the faeire folk into Drynna, whilst I have made a friend who goes by Moonflake, the sprite from th...

09:18 am - 30.09.2020

Whispers to the Dark IV

Queen of Air and Darkness Hear my words, We have rid the depths of the spider’s presence with the help of my companions, we found some treasure and what appeared to be a desiccated gnoll encampment. The apothecary and follower of the Wildmother has br...

09:14 am - 30.09.2020

Whispers to the Dark III

Great Queen, I speak to you now after facing swarms of spiders in the depths below, I fell to the darkness twice in a flurry of legs and eyes and poison. I awoke once to the paladin who seems to be blessed with great healing powers and for a moment forgo...

09:13 am - 30.09.2020

Whispers to the Dark II

My great and beautiful lady. I’ve travelled to the Apothecary on behalf of the counsellor. There is apparently a growing sickness in the town and more medicine is needed. I am still accompanied by this group, who helped with some trifling trouble on th...

09:11 am - 30.09.2020

Whispers to the Dark I

My Queen, I have done as you commanded and journeyed to Drynna. Along the road, kept company with a paladin and cleric. The cleric asks more questions than I would care to answer but the paladin is good at filling the silences. I believe this arrangement ...

09:09 am - 30.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Raphael.

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