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Saltwallow Bog

Born from the sunken muck that merges with the northern treeline of the Velvin Thicket, the Saltwallow Bog is a marsh of briny, slightly acidic waters. Myths speak of a terrible servant of the Crawling King that was slain during the battles of the Calamity, its corrosive corpse sinking into the floor of the forest and corrupting the thicket around it until this toxic bog was left as a final cry of defiance. Strange and twisted creatures have adapted to live in this grotesque place, delving into the Velvin Thicket to hunt and drag their prey back to their lairs in the bog. As dangerous as they are, some of these creatures are now highly prized by tanners and alchemists for their leather and harvested parts, and hunters venture into the depths of the bog year-round, risking life and limb for coin.   Dyolet Fruit
A round, blue fruit roughly the size of a plum, a dyolet is known for its sweet flavor and the mild surge of energy granted to whoever eats it. Dyolets can also be imbued with minor healing abilities, a property kept secret by the gnomes of the Velvin Thicket until recent years. Herbalists and apothecaries can imbue healing within the fruit for a fraction of the time and gold cost of brewing a potion. A dyolet can be imbued with one of the following properties by a character proficient with a healer's kit:
  • You can saturate the fruit with carefully brewed curative draughts to imbue a dyolet with the properties of a potion of healing. This process takes 12 hours and costs 15 gp.
  • You can saturate the fruit with strengthened restorative properties to imbue a dyolet with the properties of a potion of greater healing. This process takes 4 days and costs 70 gp.
You can consume a dyolet as an action to gain its healing effect. A dyolet lasts up to 20 days after being harvested before it begins to rot. A rotting dyolet loses its healing properties.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under