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Shattered Teeth

Should one wish to brave the perilous waters far south of Wildemount, past the dangerous, perpetual fog bank called the Fool's Curtain, they might discover themselves adrift among a cluster of forty-three islands known as the Shattered Teeth.   Varying in size from small, mile-wide reef-toppers to large islands like Ruukva that hold entire cities, this archipelago is largely governed by two contentious societies. The Ossended Host is a culture of fishing folk dedicated to isolationism and enlightenment through the worship of dreams and nightmares. The Wanderman Assembly, a centuries-old trade company from the Menagerie Coast that formed after its members were stranded across the Shattered Teeth by a hurricane, is a capitalistic society that barely conceals its ruthlessness under the banner of honor and brotherhood. Tension between these societies has led to bloodshed in recent years, with each group convinced that the other is bent on the destruction of its way of life.