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Tara Fink

Tara Fink (a.k.a. The Poison Witch)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Trostenwald to a prominent brewer family, Tara spent most of her childhood being told she would make the family name great. For a while, her parents thought that meant taking over the family business. When a Soltryce Academy recruiter discovered her talent for magic, that expectation changed dramatically. One day, they said, the name Fink would stand for power.   They didn't know what that power would cost.   Despite her early affinity for magic, Tara struggled through the university's upper division courses. If she had accepted a lower grade, she might have been safe, but in her desperate push to excel on a particularly difficult exam, Tara demonstrated an unusual connection to dunamancy. She caught the attention of Trent Ikithon, and...well, he was Trent. You can fill in the rest.   Trent pushed Tara through rigorous training beyond most mortals' capacity, which she survived through sheer force of will. Noting her natural affinity for elemental magic, he focused much of her training on the clever evocation of fire, which she took to immediately.   Trent allowed Tara and her classmate, Owelia, to return home for a brief holiday to celebrate the completion of their latest stage of training. Unbeknownst to them, this was to be their final test. During her stay in Trostenwald, Tara felt her parents' disappointment that she had abandoned the traditional education structure and their confusion about her training with Ikithon. On the second night, she couldn't sleep, so she got up to attempt to resolve the conflict between them. Instead, she overheard her parents whispering plans to fund a terrorist attack on the Cerberus Assembly.   Horrified, Tara consulted Owelia and discovered that both their families were coordinating on this assault. Although they cared about their parents, they knew what they had to do. Owelia poisoned her parents' morning tea, then traveled south from Alfield to Trostenwald and helped Tara burn the Fink family home to the ground. Eventually, Tara and Owelia realized that the conspiracy was not true but the result of a Modify Memory spell cast by Trent. By then, however, they had graduated and become fully fledged Volstrucker agents. Tara hates what Trent did to her but believes it was necessary to draw out her greatest potential.


Trained three years at Rexxentrum's famous Soltryce Academy


Serves the Cerberus Assembly as a spy and assassin, reporting directly to Trent Ikithon

Mental Trauma

As a teenager, Tara and her friend Owelia overheard their parents plotting treason. With encouragement from Tara, Owelia administered a fatal dose of poison to their tea in response. Owelia then traveled south to Trostenwald, where she helped Tara burn down her family home with her parents inside. Talia later learned that both families were innocent; Trent Ikithon had used modify memory to make her and Owelia remember conversations that never happened.   As a result, Tara has no qualms about completing her missions by any means necessary. A large portion of her fierce loyalty to the Assembly and the Empire is true patriotism, but a great deal of it is fear of Trent Ikithon.


Contacts & Relations

  • Elsbeth Fink (Mother; Deceased)
  • Mertin Fink (Father; Deceased)

Family Ties

  • Trent Ikithon (Mentor)
  • Aurora Verlaine (Pupil)
  • Owelia (Friend; Coworker)
  • Astrid Beck (Coworker; Associate)
  • Eadwulf (Coworker; Associate)

A strong-willed practitioner of arcane magic, a disciple of Trent Ikithon, and a dedicated servant of the Cerberus Assembly

Current Location
Lawful evil
Date of Birth
807 P.D.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 6 in
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Zemnian

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