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Blades of the Twilight Phoenix

The Blades of the Twilight Phoenix are three swords forged from the chains that bind Desirat the Twilight Phoenix, to her prison beneath Mt. Mentiri. Although the swords do not in themselves possess magical properties, they are indestructible and, when gifted as a hexblade to one of Desirat's warlocks, can absorb the abilities and appearance of another weapon. If the warlock spends an hour attuning to a new blade, the Twilight Sword loses its previous abilities and takes on the abilities of the new weapon, as well as aspects of its appearance. The second sword then disappears.   Each sword has a long, elegant blade the color of obsidian, with intricately carved purple feathers about the crossguard and a shiny onyx eye set into the pommel.   To ensure Desirat's eternal imprisonment, the original Cerberus Assembly scattered the three swords across Wildemount. One lies at the bottom of Fevergulf Lake; one rests hidden within the Pallid Grove; and one was sent to Molaesmyr and eventually made its way to the Feywild, where it was guarded jealously by Mother Summer and Mother Winter until they gifted it to a young eladrin for his quest to the Material Plane. If all three blades are placed in special slots in the walls of a certain cave beneath Mt. Mentiri, Desirat's chains will shatter and she will break free.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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