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Doolan Tversky

Master Doolan Tversky is an old gnomish woman who serves as the Archmage of Dysology within the Cerberus Assembly. Although a bit absentminded, she is nevertheless well-known among her peers as an expert and pioneer in the subjects of beasts, aberrations, and creatures of legend. Master Tversky operates mainly out of Hupperdook, where she maintains an estate, offices, and a scientific laboratory within the Annex Tower on the upper level of the city.   The tower also serves a secondary purpose as a small academy for particularly promising artificers, tinkerers, and wizards. Between experiments, Master Tversky is known to step into active lectures or take over a pupil's tutoring for a particular lesson. Students who distinguish themselves from among their peers are allowed to aid her in whatever technological, alchemical, or biological experiment has caught her obsessive eye.   And Master Tversky does obsess. Although her original goal as an artificer was to understand the dangers of the natural world in order to improve mortals' chances of thriving among them, she quickly became convinced that mortal bodies are not naturally equipped for such a task. Indeed, the only way to secure their place in the world is to improve the bodies of existing races by integrating the biology of the monsters that are better equipped. As a result, her experiments have grown increasingly and fervently eccentric, focusing on understanding what makes so-called "monsters" function as survivors, then extracting those traits and fusing them with other organisms. Such experiments have put her at odds with the Cobalt Soul, which has barred her from its libraries on principle.   A few years ago, the archmage hit a dead end with her experiments. For some reason, though she could surgically transfer external features from one creature to another, she could not imbue a subject with characteristics of a target creature. Instead of giving up, she turned from physical creatures to elementals. With the help of her students and assistants, she recently made a breakthrough: she discovered a method of combining two different types of elementals to create creatures she calls weirds. These weirds are unpredictable at best and volatile at worst, often exploding dramatically within minutes of their creation, but to her delight, they seem to prove that creatures of at least one sort can be combined. Then, far more recently, something remarkable happened.   While digging through the ruins of the ancient fallen city known as Aeor, servants of the Cerberus Assembly stumbled across a shattered laboratory filled with the destroyed and frozen remains of experiments long past. Among them, to the shock of all, they also found a single vat with a viable experiment held in suspended animation. This subject, which records referred to as a krasis, combines the most powerful characteristics of multiple species into a single creature.   Suddenly, Master Tversky was vindicated. The Cerberus Assembly approved funding for her to continue her krasis experiments under an initiative referred to as Project Wächter. She has left the perfection of elemental weirds to "lesser" inventors in Hupperdook proper and turned her full focus to the creation of further krases and the application of such techniques to biologically enhancing humanoids. Her experiments are largely kept under wraps, especially from the king's court, although the archmage occasionally hires outside adventurers to obtain specimens for her experiments. Biomancy, though relatively unheard of outside the most niche academic spheres, is unlikely to sit well with the uneducated masses unless it can first be proven to benefit the empire. As a result, Master Tversky endures slowly increasing pressure from Master Ludinus Da'leth, Archmage of Domestic Protections, to provide a functional krasis that can serve on the front lines of the war against the Kryn Dynasty.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archmage of Dysology
Aligned Organization

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