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Eris Findabhair

The Reluctant Cleric

Eris Findabhair (finn-ah-veer) was the second youngest of the Verlaine children and the half-elf illegitimate child of her father’s ill-fated affair with a seamstress commoner elf. Eris’ mother—Findabhair—was a customer who bought fabric from Ruther Verlaine's company in Nicodranas. They had a secret affair, which resulted in Findabhair becoming pregnant with Eris. Ruther immediately left Findabhair, and she carried Eris in secret and scandal. Before Eris was born, Findabhair wrote to Ruther and begged him to be a part of their lives. She died during Eris’s birth, but she made one last request to the midwife: bring Eris to Ruther’s mansion. The midwife—a no-nonsense dwarf woman named Dyra—brought Eris to Ruther’s mansion and forced him to accept Eris in front of his entire family.   Dyra would check in on Eris for her entire childhood. The family tried to get rid of Dyra repeatedly, but she was very persistent. Eventually they hired Dyra as a nanny and nurse for Eris, and she raised Eris for her childhood years. Eris’s presence in the family was only tolerated at best—outright rejected at the worst—and she quickly learned that charisma and smooth words were her best tool of survival.  

The Storm

Ruther Verlaine may have been forced to raise Eris among his legitimate children, but he was by no means a decent father. Under the so-called "care" of her new family, Eris suffered a nearly endless stream of emotional and physical abuse. However, she possessed a remarkably keen mind for business that eventually earned her a significant position within the company. She often traveled with her family on their ship, Lightbringer, when they traveled along the Menagerie Coast on business.   During one such trip to Palma Flora, the Verlaine patriarch was particularly ruthless toward his bastard daughter, going so far as to strike her after a business meeting before storming off below deck. Furious, frightened, and pained, Eris looked toward the night-darkened horizon for help...and found a series of darkened sails headed straight toward them.   Eris knew that Lightbringer stood no chance against the Revelry ship, but instead of warning her family and their crew, she retreated to her quarters and let the pirates spring their trap. The enemy ship tore through the Verlaine vessel, sending it—and the majority of the Verlaines—to the bottom of the sea.   There is no logical reason Eris should have survived that attack. By the time the pirates sailed away, there was nothing left of the ship to keep her afloat. She sank beneath the waves, which tossed her about like a doll. When she washed up on the shore, injured but alive, she knew with absolute certainty that she owed her life to the Wildmother.  


Eris also knew that she could not stay on the Menagerie Coast and risk her family's connections investigating her involvement in the Verlaine deaths. She fled north, passing through the Dwendalian Empire and the Greying Wildlands until she ran out of continent on which to run. During her travels, she joined the Just Ice Warriors and embarked on the journey of a lifetime...  


Ruther Verlaine: Although Eris’s presence made him incredibly uncomfortable, he appreciated her clever mind, and he used her as a sounding board for his business ventures. He had three children, not counting Eris, so he tried to provide for them, but his work often took him away from the whole family. He would take out his frustrations on Eris, the runt of the family, which often became physical.   Jenny Verlaine: Jenny was Eris' stepmother and Ruther’s wife. A tired and quiet woman, she mostly faded into the background and submitted to Ruther’s authority. She was sometimes kind to Eris, but she mostly tried to avoid her. She was there when Dyra forced Ruther to take in Eris, and she felt sorry for Eris. Although she was hurt and angry that her husband cheated on her, she never could voice her pain.   Celia Verlaine: The oldest and most ruthless of the siblings, Celia had a deep passion for the father’s business, and she looked forward to inheriting the business. She did her best to ignore Eris’s existence as much as possible, and she was the only sibling who was alive and vividly remembered Eris’s entrance into the family in Dyra’s arms. She was very cold towards Eris and very icy, but she was warm and comforting towards Aurora. She was probably the closest to Ruther Verlaine, and she was desperate to get the family business and rise further in the social and noble hierarchy.   Felix Verlaine: The third oldest sibling after Celia and Eris, Felix had the father wound of neglect. He had no interest in the family business, and he used his allowance for drugs and alcohol, gambling away his pocket money since he was a young teen. Eris initially had concerns about Felix, and she tried bringing it up to the family, but no one was interested in helping, believing that he was just a young man having fun. He told Eris to get out of his affairs and life, and he took out his anger through tormenting Aurora.   Aurora Verlaine: Aurora was the youngest of the Verlaine family—she was the baby of the family and was, for the most part, given a very blissful existence. She was kind to Eris and looked up to her, but Eris never got to see her much, and Jenny always kept Aurora far away from Eris. Aurora was primarily raised by governesses, and she was not particularly close to her father. Aurora loved animals, and she kept several chickens, including a fat black hen that became a favorite of Eris'. Not long before the shipwreck, the Verlaines enrolled Aurora in a boarding school in Rexxentrum called the Begabtkind Academy, so she was not present when her family died.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Dualahei 14
Year of Birth
810 P.D. 26 Years old
Pale Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Aligned Organization

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