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Gharath Trollcleaver Gathakunathi

The Enthusiastic Barbarian

Gharath Trollcleaver was born on Dualahei 19, 830 PD to the Gathakunathi tribe in the Cyrios Mountains. When he was very young, his tribe's Legendspeaker, Zauvia, noted that the Patterns of Fate on his skin all connected to a line down his spine, which was very unusual for goliaths. She interpreted this to mean that Gharath would become a legendary hunter—an interpretation he took to heart.   Around the time he came of age, a band of trolls attacked small village near Gathakunathi territory. The tribe sent out a hunting party, including Gharath, to dispatch them. The young goliath, intoxicated by the thrill of battle, fought valiantly, and at the height of the skirmish cleaved a troll perfectly in half. While this was not his greatest conquest as part of the tribe, it was by far the most dramatic and earned him the name "Trollcleaver".   Eventually, Gharath's lust for adventure drove him beyond the borders of his mountain village and up to Eiselcross, where rumors claimed some of the greatest monsters roamed the icy wastes. Along the way, he encountered another, much smaller band of trolls ambushing a young woman outside of Zadash. He leapt to her aid, and together they slew her attackers. The woman introduced herself as Eris Finadbhair, a cleric of the Wildmother traveling north. The two joined forces, making the long trek to Eiselcross as a team and sharpening their skills along the way. When they stumbled upon a trio of adventurers trying to break into an ancient half-buried Aeorian ruin, they agreed to help. Thus formed the alliance that would eventually be known as the Just Ice Warriors.  


Zauvia Legendspeaker Gathakunathi: Zauvia served as both the Legendspeaker and the Spiritwalker for the Gathakunathi tribe. While she was not his biological mother, she was an incredibly burly matriarch of Gharath's village. Despite her size, she was incredibly knowledgeable about the history of their culture and regularly told stories of their past. She constantly goaded Gharath on to greater heights, leading to Gharath's insatiable desire to hunt bigger and badder monsters. Despite her pushiness, she cared deeply for Gharath and really wanted to see him become a living legend in their tribe.   Vaurad Bearstalker Gathakunathi: Vaurad was Gharath's primary rival in the Gathakunathi clan. Though he was five years younger than Gharath, the older goliath's success drove him mad. He tried his very best to peck away at Gharath's credibility and constantly tried to pick fights with him. Gharath was much too good-natured to pay this "squaking bird" any attention and lets it slide because Vaurad was a hunter who provided a lot of the food for the village. Gharath's apathy towards his slander only seemed to further egg Vaurad on.   Bilxif of Hupperdook: Similar to Gharath who is a traveler, Bilxif was also an incurable wanderluster. He and Gharath met during one such adventure. Bilxif enjoyed spending time with Gharath largely because of Gharath's size. He didn't get bullied when he was with Gharath and nobody even gave him any dirty looks. Gharath enjoyed spending time with Bilxif because together they were an infamous drinking pair. Gharath could easily goad Bilxif into further drinking and Bilxif enjoyed Gharath's good-natured company too much to say no. They regularly got into strong one-upmanship battles comparing adventures and achievements. What made this entertaining was that the stories were often incomparable, as Gharath's stories usually relied on physical prowess while Bilxif's were usually about cunning and outsmarting individuals.
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
19 Dualahei
Year of Birth
800 P.D. 36 Years old
Bright Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ash Gray
315 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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