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Illicit Substances

There are a number of difficult-to-produce substances that have gained popularity for their mind-altering properties, and while the creation and possession of these substances is considered highly illegal within most nations within civilized nations, they have found private popularity within various levels of society across Exandria.  

Oloore Root

Oloore Root began as a druidic ceremonial tool for vision quests and communion with nature, but has become sought after by high society for its psychedelic properties. Drinking the tea brewed from the root leads to heavy hallucinations and sometimes grands insight into the world around the user.   The imbiber must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 14) or become poisoned for 1d4 hours. Upon a success, the imbiber gains advantage on any Wisdom ability checks for 1 hour. On a saving throw of 19 or 20, the imbiber gains supernatural distance seeing, as though they had cast a scrying spell. They may concentrate on this for up to 1 minute.   Value: 100 gp per dose  


Zeal is distilled from the blood of captured or slain quaggoth from deep beneath the surface of Exandria. When brewed properly, a thick, purple-colored liquid that tastes of ash remains.   Drinking zeal or applying it liberally to exposed skin (requiring an action) forces the user to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 12) or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds as every muscle seizes up. On a success, the user deals an additional 3 damage to any target it hits with a melee attack for 2d6 rounds. The user suffers 1 point of exhaustion after the effect ends, regardless of saving throw success.   Value: 150 gp per dose.  


Suude is a dangerous, granular substance refined from magic residuum. Initially developed during the Age of Arcanum by archmages as an incense burned to enhance long ritual casting, the secret was discovered and spread among the spellcasting riffraff of Exandria. The varying forms of refinement are dangerous and can produce one of three different types of suude.   When burned and the fumes inhaled (requiring an action), the imbiber must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10) or become unconscious for 2d4 rounds. On a success, the user gains 1 Sorcery Point and access to one Metamagic option (as per the Sorcerer class Font of Magic and Metamagic features) for 1 hour based on the type of suude used. If more than one dose of suude is used within 1 hour of another, the DC of the Constitution saving throw is increased by 3 per additional dose. If three or more doses are used within 1 hour of each other, failing the Constitution saving throw drops the user to 0 hit points. Brown suude grants the Extended Spell option, blue suude grants the Twinned Spell option, and red suude grants the Distant Spell option.   Value: 80 gp per dose  

Black Sap

  Originating in Blightshore, this tarry substance harvested from the dark boughs of the death's head willow is a powerful intoxicant. It can be smoked as a concentrate or injected directly into the bloodstream.   A creature subjected to a dose of black sap cannot be charmed or frightened for 1d6 hours. For each dose of black sap consumed, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 2d4 hours—an effect that is cumulative with multiple doses.   Value: 300 gp per dose.  

Blight Ichor

  This bitter chartreuse concoction is distilled from a fungus native to the Blightshore badlands. The sickly green liqueur harbors potent psychedelic properties.   Provided it is neither a construct nor undead, a creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as well as vulnerability to psychic damage, for 1 hour. For each dose of blight ichor consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1d6 hours and suffer the effects of a confusion spell for 1 minute. An undead creature subjected to a dose of blight ichor gains advantage on all Dexterity checks and is immune to the frightened condition for 1 hour.     Value: Blight ichor is valued at 200 gp per dose.  


  Soothsalts are derived from a naturally occurring crystalline substance discovered throughout the wilds of the Miskath Strand. The crimson crystals have been mined from cavernous veins like those in the mouth of the Miskath Pit and found within smaller geode formations near sites ravaged by the Calamity. Soothsalts are consumed orally in lozenge-sized doses, and frequent users can be identified by the telltale crimson stain around their mouths.   A creature subjected to a dose of soothsalts gains advantage on all Intelligence checks for 1d4 hours. For each dose of soothsalts consumed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion—an effect which is cumulative with multiple doses.   Value: 150 gp per dose.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

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