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The Knights of the Round Table (2017-Present)

The Knights of the Round Table has a roster which changes frequently below is a list of all members past and present.

Current Members

Mordred Pendragon - Leader
Sword (AKA Grant Thomas)
Shield (AKA David Thomas)

Past Members

Darren Fernand
Agent 451 (AKA Daniella Hunt)


Guenivere Pendragon
Sir Gallahad
Kyle Olsen (AKA Velocitas)
the Morrigan


The Dinomancer (AKA Lisa Anning)
The Harbourmaster (AKA Cpt. Phineas Clayman)

Public Agenda

The Knights of the Round Table seek to protect the world from all manner of things that may threaten it. Since Darren Fernand and his team split away from the group, the Knights have focused further into magical threats and phenomena.


Originally the Knights of the Round Table were based out of Darren Fernand's lab however, after splitting away from Darren Fernand and his enormous wealth, the Knights are running on a pretty small budget out of Sword and Shield's family home. Mordred Pendragon seeks to acquire a castle from which they can operate.   When working alongside Darren and Crowley, the Knights had access to Darren's fleet of vehicles and a supersonic plane, custom built by Crowley, known as the Excalibur. Since the teams split the only vehicle the Knights currently have access to is Sword's motorcycle.   The various members of the team have acquired weapons and equipment independently, most notable of which is Mordred's extensive sword collection. Currently the team is in possession of the whole set of the artefacts of Hecate.


During February 2017 Mordred Pendragon appeared in Piccadilly Circus after being brought through time by Sir Tristan. He was immediately brought to the Bureau which was subsequently attacked by Agent 451. At the same time Darren Fernand was attending a meeting there concerning his gravity tech and Crowley was also there after being found hidden away in an abandoned underground station. All three sprung into action against the attacker and although Agent 451 escaped that day, the trio forged a team under the guidance of the current Merlin to ultimately stop her. Agent 451 was dissuaded from her path and instead it turned out Merlin was the real threat that day. The newly forged Knights managed to subdue Merlin, but not before she made a doppelganger to defeat them. This clone was never granted a conscious though and so, at Merlin's defeat, became a new entity in of itself. The team adopted her and although she is still to decide a name she currently goes by the moniker of Not-Merlin.   The brand new team adopted Darren Fernand's Lab as their base of operations and reacquired the original round table. In the months to follow they would help Eobard Hart rebuild the fractured Bureau, stop Sir Arden Graydon of the Knight's Templar and Crowley would construct the Excalibur.   In September 2017 the Knights were investigating an artefact found off the south coast of Britain by the Bureau when they crossed paths with Dorset based heroes Sword and Shield after a brief tussle and the appearance of MI6 agents who wanted to shut down the Bureau and Knight's illegal operations. Sword and Shield joined the team on heading back to their HQ where they were attacked by the Ascended who were looking for the artefacts of Hecate. In the fight they met Kyle Olsen, a Fallen who informed them the last artefact was in Cambodia. The Knights fled the compound and travelled to Cambodia where they met the Morrigan and retrieved the last artefact, a dagger blade, from Tau. Finally with the last artefact in hand and the Morrigan at their side they returned to London which the Ascended had attacked in an attempt to kill those they believed to be sinners and to draw the Knights to them. The Knights fought off the Ascended and defeated their leader Fendriel before he was able to use the artefacts of Hecate to rewrite the universe to make the Ascended obey him unquestioning. After defeating Fendriel, the Knights used the ritual he had already begun to make the Ascended no longer wish to impose their beliefs upon others and so they abandoned their attack.   After the events that would be come to be known as the Siege of London, Mordred proposed to the team that they should split into two. He would go with Sword,Shield and Not-Merlin and continue the Knights of the Round Table and then Darren, Crowley and Agent 451 would remain at Darren Fernand's Lab and become their own team. This would allow both teams to focus on their respective fields of magic and science whilst still being able to come together for larger threats.   The members of the Knight's of the Round Table were all offered legitimate knighthoods after their efforts in the Siege of London however Darren and Crowley were the only ones to take theirs up as Mordred would not bow down to the Queen's sovereignty and Sword and Shield needed to protect their identities.
Founding Date
14th February 2017
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Knights
Notable Members


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