
The questing warrior, the conquering overlord, the king’s bodyguard, the elite foot soldier, the hardened mercenary, and the bandit king—all are fighters. Fighters can be stalwart defenders of those in need, cruel marauders, or gutsy adventurers. Some are among the land’s best souls, willing to face death for the greater good. Others are among the worst, those who have no qualms about killing for private gain, or even for sport. Fighters who are not actively adventuring may be soldiers, guards, bodyguards, champions, or criminal enforcers. An adventuring fighter might call himself a warrior, a mercenary, a thug, or simply an adventurer.   Weapons: All weapons   Armor: All armor and shields   Hit Points: 1d10 per level   Class Skills: Athletics, Ride, Perception, and Survival   Hauler - Add your Constitution modifier, if positive, to your gear slots.   Weapon Mastery - Choose one type of weapon, such as longswords. You gain +1 to attack and damage with that weapon type. In addition, add half your level to these rolls (round down).   Grit - Choose Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity. You have advantage on checks and saves of that type to overcome an opposing force, such as kicking open a stuck door (Strength) ,slipping free of rusty chains (Dexterity), or to resist a poisonous sting (Constitution)  


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