Harris Carrington

  Harris Carrington is a familiar sight on the road between Brindol and Falkirk Keep, his wagon loaded with goods and pulled by sturdy ponies. Balding and slightly overweight, he exudes a genial demeanor that belies his fondness for Ashkrim Brandy. Though he prefers the safety of well-traveled routes, Harris is not without courage, and often undertakes his journeys alone, with only his ponies for company.   While his business may not be the most lucrative, Harris values reliability and consistency over risk and reward. He enjoys engaging in conversation with fellow travelers, always eager to share or listen to a good story over a drink. Despite his penchant for comfort, Harris possesses a keen understanding of the road and the dangers it holds, ensuring the safety of his cargo and himself on each journey.   Though some may view him as a simple merchant, Harris's experiences on the road have given him a depth of character and wisdom that shines through his jovial exterior. He navigates life's twists and turns with a pragmatic approach, finding solace in the familiar rhythms of the road and the camaraderie of his fellow travelers. In the bustling world of Ashkrim, Harris Carrington is a steady presence, a reminder that even in the face of uncertainty, there is value in reliability and friendship.
"A wise man once said, 'Better a slow journey with a full wagon than a swift ride to ruin!'"


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