
Knights, paragons of chivalry and steel, stand as noble guardians, their valor etched in the annals of honor. Clad in resplendent armor, they ride into the fray with unwavering resolve, defending the realm against darkness. Bound by oaths of loyalty and honor, Knights embody courage, their lances poised against the encroaching shadows. Their unwavering commitment to justice forms an unbreakable shield, and their swords are tempered in the crucible of righteousness. In the tapestry of valor, Knights emerge as beacons of nobility, champions who inspire hope and embody the timeless ideals of gallantry and duty.     Weapons: All weapons   Armor: All armor and shields   Hit Points: 1d10 per level   Class Skills: Athletics, Lore (Heraldy), Ride, Speech   Cavalier - You have advantage on ride checks and attack rolls while fighting from horseback. If you hit while charging from horseback you deal an extra weapon die of damage. Add additional weapon dice of damage equal to half your level (round down).   Bravery- You have advantage on all checks and saving throws against fear. Should you succeed on your save, your example provides a +2 bonus to all allies who can see you.   Nobility - You are a member of the nobility and as such as accustom to your role. You have advantage on Lore: Heraldry checks and Speech checks as it pertains to readying or commanding men in battle.  


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