Overland Movement

Ashkrim is a savage place filled with dangers, outside of the small pockets of safety and civilzation.



  Tavel is based on six mile hexes. Under normal circumstances, PCs can travel 4 hexes in one day. The "cost" to move through a hex depends on what type of hex you are moving through.  
  • Plains cost 1 hex
  • Forest cost 2 hexes
  • Hills cost 3 hexes
  • Mountains cost 4 hexes
  *Roads reduce travel time by 1 hex for forest, Hills, and mountains
**Wagon’s decreased speed by 3 on mountain, 2 on hills and forest, 1 on plains
***Horses increase speed by 2 on plains, 1 on forest, 0 on hills, -1 mountain
  A character may travel the wilds for a number of days equal to their constituion score. After that time they must make a constituion save each day or premanently lose 1 point of constitution until such time as they are able to take time to recuperate. Note that Rangers are the exception to this rule as they get double their constitution in days sand have advantage on the save to stave off the debilitating effects.   Should a character reach zero constituion then he has died of exposure, malnutrion, and illness.



  If the party is attempting to explore a hex rather than traverse through it then whoever is in the lead should make a survival (Int) roll at the end of the exploration period. If they succeed then the area has been explored, notable landmarks are revealed and anyone who has Caft: Cartography, and the necessary materials, may even create a map of the area. If the check fails then the leader can continue to make checks every day to complete their exploration.   While it is not possible to get lost while traveling along a road, it is possible to get lost while traversing the wilderness. Whoever is serving as the leader of the group as they traverse through the wilderness makes survival (Int) rolls to keep the group on its desired course or to recover when lost. Notable landmarks, particularly those viewable from great distances, may help them in this endeavor.


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