
Rangers, adept scouts and masters of the untamed frontier, navigate the borderlands with skill honed to a razor's edge. Cloaked in the shadow of the wild, they are silent sentinels, protecting the realm from unseen threats. Trained in archery, stealth, and survival, Rangers are precision instruments in the tapestry of nature. Embracing the dual roles of tracker and infiltrator, they move seamlessly through the wilderness, attuned to its secrets. With keen perception, they discern the subtle whispers of the land, ever vigilant against the encroaching darkness that seeks to disrupt the delicate balance of the natural world.   Weapons: Club, dagger, greataxe, longbow, longsword, shortbow, shortsword, spear, staff   Armor: Leather armor, Studded Leather Armor, Scale Mail, Chainmail, Shield   Hit Points: 1d10 per level   Class Skills: Athletics, Craft (Herbalism), Lore (Nature), Perception, Stealth, Survival   Wayfinder. You have advantage on Survival and Lore: Nature checks as well as any check associated with: • Navigation • Tracking • Bushcraft • Wilderness Stealth • Wild animals   Favored Enemy: Choose one type of enemy. You have advantage on your first attack. Additionally, do an extra 4d damage whenever you hit.   Wilderness Expert. Rangers can move one additional hex per day when traveling through the wilderness. Additionally can make a survival role in the wilderness to locate enough food and water for to sustain himself.  


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