Rest and Camping


To rest, a character must consume a ration and sleep for 8 hours. Sleep can be broken up for light and routine tasks, such as taking a turn on watch.
  Interruption. Each stressful interruption of rest (including combat) requires an affected character to make a DC 12 Constitution check. Additionally the check increases by 1 for each interruption beyond the first.
  On a failure, the character consumes a ration but gains no benefit from resting.
  Success. A character who successfully rests regains hit points amounting to half their hit die (rounded down) plus their constitution modifier (if possitive. Additionally the recovers one point of stat damage that was not permanent.
  Additionally, some talents, spells, or items regain their ability to be used after a successful rest.
  Characters who are unable to rest are fagiued and suffer a negative 1 penalty to all rolls the following day. This penalty is cumulative for up to five days (-5) and beyond that the character is incapacitated.



  Characters can rest anywhere, but doing so inside a dungeon or perilous environment carries a high chance of failure due to the risk of a random encounter.
  While the characters are resting in a dangerous environment, the Game Master checks for random encounters using the appropriate environment.



In many cases, adventurers need a light source while resting. Normal campfire construction is covered blow but in the absense foragable wood, characters can combine three torches into a campfire that can't be moved once lit.
  A campfire lasts up to 8 hours while at least one character remains near to it, and it casts light out to a near distance. Additional torches added to the fire extend its life for four hours.



  While camping each member of the group can perform various camp tasks. A character may take on no more than 3 camp tasks each night. Note that the character must have access to the materials needed to engage in a task.   Rest: The character rests and recuperates. See above. A resting character must eat one ration and get 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefit.
Watch: A character taking a watch is vigilent for danger and typically recieves perception checks to warn him of such. Additionally this charcter is able to maintain the fire at the same time.
Would care: You tend to the wounds of one other character, possibly even yourself. Make a Lore: Medicine roll. If you succeed on DC 12 then the character recovers an addition hit die plus their constituion bonus, if positive. Requires Healing Kit
Snuff Box:You partake in a substance and makes constitution saving throw. The DC and the benefit depend on the substance. For example, Pipe Weed has a DC 12 con save and nets a +2 to perception checks during the camp phase. Requires the substance in question.
Revelry: You engage in a night of drinking and frivolity. The character is heartened and gains advantage on their first save the following day involving morale, fear, and/or hoplessness. Requires alcohol.
Hone Weapons: You spend time meticulously honing your weapon. You gain advantage on your first weapon damage roll the following day. Requires weapon maintaince kit.
Maintain Armor: The first time you are hit the following day, subtract your armors' AC bonus from the damage taken. Not applicable with shields. Requires armor maintaince kit.
Calisthenics: You go through a vigorous workout routine to ensure you stay in peak condition. You gain advantage on on the first skill check where endurance or strength is applicable.
Tactical Planning: You devise plans and strategies, attempting to be prepared for any contingency. The character gains +2 on the first initative roll the following day.
Weapon Practice: You spend time training with your weapon, or weapons, of choice. You gain advantage on your first attack roll the follow day.
Meditation: You engage in a time of quiet reflection and contemplation. You gain advantage on your first intelligence or wisdom save the following day.
Prayer: You pray to the gods seeking guidence. You get a +1 on your first Lore: Religion check the following day.
Blessing: You call for a blessing over one member of the camp. Make a wisdom check DC 15 and the recipient gets a +1 bonus the following day on check or save of their choosing.
Cook: You spend your time cooking over the fire. This allows you to stretch a ration, which counts as two rations for this camp, if you make a DC 12 survival check. If you fail the ration is ruined. Requires Cooking Kit
Conceal Camp: You attempt to obscure your camp from sight. Make a stealth check. If you are in the wilderness Rangers get an automatic +2 to this roll.
Set Traps: You attempt to line the perimeter of your camp with traps to ensnare would be attackers. Use Craft: Tinker in urban or dungeon environments and survival in outdoor environments.
Chirurgery: You tend to the wounds of two other characters. Make a Lore: Medicine roll. If you succeed on DC 15 then both character recover an addition hit die plus their constituion bonus, if positive. Requires Healing Kit
Forage: You search the area around your camp for either food or fuel for the fire. Choose one and make a survival roll. The DC depends on the environment. Note: even a natural 20 cannot conjure resources out of nowhere, thus task is dependent on the environment around your camp.
Spin Yarn: You tell a tale to the camp. You decide the subject matter. If you succeed at a DC 15 perform check each character in the camp gets a +1 on a single skill roll the following day that is related to your story.



Recuperating is the time that you spend in the warm embrace of civilization. This could be resting at an inn, castle, or even in your own bed. These breaks are very necessary as character become worn down traversing the wilderness and roads and can be weakened or, in extreme cases, die.   A character may travel the wilds for a number of days equal to their constituion score. After that time they must make a constituion save each day or premanently lose 1 point of constitution until such time as they are able to take time to recuperate. Note that Ranger are the exception to this rule as they get double their constitution in days sand have advantage on the save to stave off the debilitating effects.   Should a character reach zero constituion then he has died of exposure, malnutrion, and illness.
  Characters resting comfortable in town recover an amount of contitution damage per day depending on their accomodations (1 per day for basic, 2 for comfortable, and 3 for lavish). Regardless of their comfort level they also reset their wilderness counter after 5 days in civilization.  

The Winter

The winter is a time for hearth and home, not campaigning, or so common wisdom says. Time traveling in the winter counts as double and all checks to stave off permanent constituion loss are at disadvantage.


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