
  Wizards, rare conduits of magical prowess in Aeldoren, wield the arcane as both an art and a science. Gifted with an innate connection to the mystical currents that course through the world, they channel raw energy to shape reality. Cloaked in mystic robes, Wizards are scholars, delving into the secrets of the arcane and unlocking ancient mysteries. Their command over magic is honed through rigorous study and discipline, blending innate talent with learned mastery. In a realm where magic is both a rare gift and a complex discipline, Wizards stand as architects of wonder, shaping reality with the might of their enchanted abilities.   Weapons: Dagger, staff   Armor: None   Hit Points: 1d4 per level   Languages. You know one additional Languages.   Class Skills: Craft, Insight, Lore   Learning Spells. You can permanently learn a wizard spell from a source by studying it for one day per spell tier and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence check. Whether you succeed or fail, you expend the time. Spells you learn in this way don't count toward your known spells.   Spellcasting. You can cast Wizard Spells you know. You know three tier 1 spells of your choice from the wizard spell list. Each time you gain a level, you choose new Wizard Spells to learn according to the Wizard Spells Known table.   When you cast a spell, you invoke magic to cause an effect. Casting a spell takes your action. Characters with the spellcasting talent can cast spells. To cast a wizard spell you know, make a spellcasting check by rolling 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier.   The DC to successfully cast a spell is 10 + the spell’s tier.    


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