
Andromeda is a werecat working for Wilhelm Krüger. She originally approached him due to his growing reputation. The two of them had a short fling which almost resulted in Wilhelm turning into a Werecreature himself. Krüger stopped the transformation through killing his original body and inhabiting a reanimated corpse. Andromeda was so enraged by this that she took away Krügers body and formed a rival pack with two Werecats she turned.   The seperation didn't last long and Andromeda soon returned to The Royal and Angel asking Wilhelm for help in dealing with her maker, Nalik. The powerful werelion had forced himself on Andromeda and thus turned her into a monster in the first place. When he came back to claim her, Krüger defeated him with his army. In return Andromeda promised to go back to working for the Necromancer.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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