
Written by Crafty Jack

Angels aka kerubim are the ruling civilization of the universe. They control all the most bountiful and beautiful planets in the galaxy, and have their hands into all major civilizations in a deep and terrifying way, (e.g. Earth, Kane, Avalon, etc.)   They have been carefully watching and subtly guiding all sentient beings since each nascent civilization grew from its roots, instilling the values that they want them to have (good) and beliefs they will need (Heaven, gods, angels, etc.) Just like their demon cousins, they are devastatingly intelligent, employ sorcery and are eternal. They are the gods of all worlds, and if encountered, one must be very careful, as you may be assured there is a great purpose behind it, with a great cost to yourself. The most chilling thing of all about the cabal is that cabal have DNA just like earth-born humans. This cannot be coincidence.


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