
Written by Crafty Jack

Long before mankind first crawled from the oceans, a race called the cabal had established a vast civilization across the galaxy. This race is winged, possessed of super-human intelligence, and a technology so advanced it goes beyond the use of instrumentation (sorcery.)   The race long ago was split by civil war, and they still vie now for control of the very universe: The angels who rule, and own the most beautiful and bountiful planets (Heaven), and the demons who oppose and seek to topple the kingdom of heaven, and live on the worst and most unpleasant planets (Hell.) It is angels who monitor and guide all the intelligent races of the galaxy, subtly introducing themselves into myth and legend, and appearing at key moments. Demons on the other hand, like to corrupt and destabilize, encouraging the spread of what mankind would call evil.   When encountered, even lowly demons are a deadly threat. They are immune to most any sort of normal attack, can possess the bodies of mortals, move from place to place at will, and of course their have great sorcerous powers. Most dangerous of all, they are devastatingly intelligent and canny, and possessed of great will.   An old saying (spread by angels) is: If you believe you have made a good deal with a demon, count your fingers, then your toes, then your relatives. It is also widely known however, that demons never break a deal they have made. Demons and angels both routinely travel through time, and are not merely immortal, but eternal. Demons are as reticent as angels on the subject of Revelation, however.  

Known Demons


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