Apartment Complex on the outskirts of the City

Apartment Complex on the outskirts of the City



This four story stone structure stands on the outskirts of the City, still intact after the riots and bombings of the Revelation.  


The building was built in the year 1950 and was a housing complex for hundreds of residents for many years. In 1959, a crime syndicate forced the tenants to leave and the owner had an "unfortunate accident" allowing the group to seize control of the building. They used the building as a base of operation to launder money and conduct other illegal business. The authorities turned a blind eye to the location allowing it to purisist for years.   Enter Shaeddyn, an unknown entity in the city at the time. He was contracted to rid the building of its occupants in exchange for the title to the building. The organization was eradicated with no known survivors.   Shaeddyn took control of the building in 1961 and has been there ever since. He has remodeled all of the floors for his own purposes, enjoying the privacy it afforded him not being near the heart of the city and not on any popular routes traveled by mortals in the region, post Revelation.  

Building Layout


The building was gutted, walls included, to make way for a completely new layout to accommodate the function of a base of operations. From the outside it looks more like a prison than anything else.  


The outside of the building has been outfitted with bars over the windows and heavily reinforced entry doors. Every point of access has been warded from most types of monsters with wards, sigils, and adorned with permanent salt lines built into the entire frames of the doors and windows.  

Roof (Damaged, Inaccessible)

At the top of the building is a wide open area that has been outfitted for defense. There is razor wire all along the upper lip of the roof's short wall. Also there are numerous solar panels that power the majority of the building's electronics.  

Forth Floor (Damaged, Inaccessible)

The top floor of the building is repurposed as Shaeddyn's Living quarters. He doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep or defecate, but there are still those amenities for if he were ever to have mortal company. The floor is decked out with a large bar and comfortable seating and a bedroom when he just feels like resting. He also has a hidden communications room with radios, long range walkie talkies, and a speaker system that runs throughout the the building that allows most rooms to communicate to each other through a panel of buttons.  

Third Floor (Damaged, Inaccessible)

This floor has been remodeled as a large training area. Includes a large dojo with weapons of all types collected and mounted on the walls and in weapon racks. There is an armory and a shooting range similarly stocked with many different styles of ranged weaponry.  

Second Floor (Damaged, Inaccessible)

The second floor is designated as a laboratory and research area. There is a library stocked with old tomes and books that mostly deal with history and monster lore. The lab is used for experiments and has the latest equipment that was available pre-Revelation.  

First Floor

The ground floor of the building was kept mainly the same with many rooms for if he were ever in need of taking in refugees or allies that needed a place to stay. Each of the rooms is finely furnished and up-kept with all the amenities available.  

Basement (Damaged, Inaccessible)

The basement has a large, hidden panic room area that he and allies can fall back to if they are met with a force they cannot overcome. There is also a sizable laundry area, a power bank that stores unused energy from the solar panels, and a backup generator that can power most of the building.  

Sub Level Parking Garage (Damaged, Inaccessible)

The basement is connected to a parking garage that is below ground. There is a hidden entrance that has a strong steel shutter for an entrance for vehicles. It is large enough to hold 50 vehicles and this is where Shaeddyn has stored those that he has acquired in his long life on Earth. Most of them could not navigate the destroyed streets of the city, but they can be used to travel in other directions that have not been ravaged.
Founding Date
Apartment building / Tenament


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