Church of Raelith

While the church of Raelith is celebrated and has followers all over Eyolon, its main sanctuary, The Sanctuary of the Radiant Sun, resides in Solvaris, on the continent of Elaris.  

Tenets of Faith for Followers of Raelith:

Embrace the Light


Followers of Raelith must seek the light in all aspects of their lives, embracing truth, honesty, and transparency. They believe that by living openly and truthfully, they honor Raelith and his domain over light and justice.


Devotees engage in daily rituals of reflection and meditation at dawn, seeking clarity and guidance from Raelith’s light. They also strive to live without deceit, speaking and acting with honesty.

Uphold Justice


Justice is a cornerstone of Raelith's teachings. Followers are required to act with fairness and integrity, ensuring that wrongdoers are held accountable and that the innocent are protected.


Practitioners often participate in local councils or courts, advocating for fair trials and just punishments. They also intervene in their communities to mediate conflicts and provide support to those who have been wronged.

Protect the Weak


Raelith's followers are called to protect those who cannot protect themselves. This tenet emphasizes compassion, strength, and the duty to stand against oppression and tyranny.


Devotees volunteer as guardians and protectors, offering their strength to defend the vulnerable. They may also establish sanctuaries and support networks for those in need, providing shelter, food, and guidance.

Seek Redemption


Redemption is a path that all followers of Raelith are encouraged to walk. They believe in the possibility of atonement and the power of forgiveness, striving to help others find redemption and improve their own lives.


Followers participate in rituals of confession and atonement, both personally and within their community. They also mentor those seeking redemption, offering guidance and support to help them make amends and transform their lives.

Honor the Sun


The sun, as Raelith’s symbol, represents life, energy, and renewal. Followers are taught to honor the sun's cycles and draw strength and inspiration from its light.


Worshippers celebrate solar festivals, marking the solstices and equinoxes with ceremonies and feasts. Daily prayers and offerings are made at sunrise and sunset, acknowledging the sun's vital role in sustaining life and symbolizing Raelith’s ever-watchful presence.
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