Sanctuary of the Radiant Sun

The Sanctuary of the Radiant Sun stands as a beacon of light, justice, and purity, embodying the god’s principles in its architecture and atmosphere. It serves as a place of worship, reflection, and community for all who follow Raelith’s teachings.  

Architecture and Exterior:


The Sanctuary of the Radiant Sun is an imposing structure made of white marble, reflecting Raelith's association with light and purity. The building’s design features tall, graceful arches and high, vaulted ceilings that reach towards the sky.


The entrance is adorned with a large, intricately carved sun emblem above the main doors. These doors are made of gilded wood, decorated with reliefs depicting scenes of justice, valor, and the sun’s benevolent light.


Stained glass windows line the walls, each one depicting different aspects of Raelith’s domain. These include scenes of justice being served, fields of golden wheat bathed in sunlight, and the mighty Leonin god himself. The windows are designed to catch and refract sunlight, filling the interior with vibrant colors and radiant light.

Bell Tower:

A tall bell tower rises from one side of the sanctuary, housing a set of bells that chime melodiously to call the faithful to worship and mark significant moments in the day.



The central area of the sanctuary is a spacious nave with rows of polished wooden pews. A long, plush carpet in gold and white runs down the center aisle, leading to the altar. The high ceiling features intricate carvings and is painted with celestial scenes of Raelith’s domain.


The altar is the focal point of the sanctuary, made of pure white stone and adorned with golden accents. Behind the altar stands a large statue of Raelith, depicted as a majestic Leonin with a radiant halo, holding a staff of light.

Sunlight Chambers:

On either side of the nave, there are chambers filled with plants and flowers that thrive in natural sunlight, symbolizing growth and life under Raelith’s watchful gaze. These chambers have large windows and skylights to ensure they are always bathed in sunlight.

Radiant Pool:

A central feature of the sanctuary is a radiant pool filled with crystal-clear water. This pool is used for purification rituals and is said to be blessed by Raelith. The water reflects the light streaming in from above, creating a shimmering effect.

Prayer Alcoves:

Along the sides of the sanctuary are small, private prayer alcoves where worshippers can meditate and offer prayers. Each alcove has a small sun emblem and a kneeling bench, providing a peaceful space for personal reflection.

Decor and Symbolism:

Sun Emblems:

Sun emblems and motifs are prevalent throughout the sanctuary, from the intricate carvings on the walls and pillars to the designs on the altar cloths and vestments worn by the clergy.

Golden Light:

Golden candelabras and lanterns are placed strategically around the sanctuary, ensuring that the interior is always bathed in warm, inviting light. These lights are often left burning throughout the night, symbolizing Raelith’s eternal presence.

Justice Banners:

Banners and tapestries depicting scenes of justice, truth, and valor hang from the walls. These serve as reminders of Raelith’s teachings and the principles that his followers strive to uphold.


Sunlit Gardens:

Surrounding the sanctuary are meticulously maintained gardens filled with sunflowers, goldenrod, and other sun-loving plants. These gardens are a place of tranquility and reflection, open to all who seek solace and peace.

Reflection Pool:

In the center of the garden is a large reflection pool, surrounded by benches and shaded by tall, elegant trees. The pool mirrors the sky and the sanctuary, creating a serene environment for contemplation.

Justice Plaza:

Adjacent to the sanctuary is a wide plaza where public ceremonies and gatherings are held. At the center stands a large statue of Raelith, with inscriptions of his tenets and teachings. This plaza is a place where the community comes together to celebrate festivals, witness acts of justice, and engage in communal worship.
Temple / Church
Owning Organization