
A deity in Eyolon refers to the race of beings that embody the laws of creation both natural and celestial.

Basic Information


Deities true forms are unknown, however they can take the form they wish when they appear on Eyolon. Deities are known to have preferred forms though they are unique to each deity.

Genetics and Reproduction

Deities are typically spawned into being from a parent deity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Deities are spawned into being fully grown. However their minds, moods, temperament, and personalities can be altered and grow over time.

Ecology and Habitats

The ideal environment for a deity is within their individual plane of existence. Each is unique to the deity. They do not appear to have significant issues surviving in planes outside of their own however.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Deities do not require natural sustenance, however their powers are greatly affected based on the amount of worship they receive.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Deities have innate mastery of the magic domain they occupy and are unimaginably powerful in both physical strength and magical abilities.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Discovered by