Uljana Nimen

".... she was said not to be a daughter of Eyolon, but of Phelencia herself. Through her, Phelencia spoke and as such she was given the name, Prophet of Seasons." - Excerpt, Story of Uljana
  In a small village nestled in the heart of Eldoria, a baby girl was born under a rare celestial alignment. Her parents, humble farmers, named her Uljana. From the moment of her birth, it was evident that Uljana was no ordinary child. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and she exhibited an innate connection to nature.   At the age of seven, Uljana wandered into the enchanted forest near her home. Drawn by a mysterious melody, she stumbled upon a hidden glade where Phelencia herself appeared before her. The deity, radiating an aura of warmth and power, knelt down and placed a hand upon Uljana's forehead. In that moment, Uljana's destiny was sealed. Phelencia imbued her with a fragment of her divine power, granting her demi-god status.   Uljana's childhood was marked by a series of extraordinary events. She discovered she could communicate with animals, heal the wounded, and control the elements. These abilities, while awe-inspiring, set her apart from the other villagers. Some revered her as a blessed child, while others feared her as a harbinger of unknown forces.   Guided by visions and dreams sent by Phelencia, Uljana embarked on a journey to hone her powers and understand her purpose. She trained under the tutelage of wise mentors, mastering the arts of combat, magic, and diplomacy. Along the way, she formed bonds with mystical creatures and encountered beings from other realms, all of whom recognized her as a bridge between mortals and the divine.   As she grew older, Uljana's sense of duty deepened. The shadow that Phelencia had foreseen began to manifest, threatening to disrupt the balance of Eyolon. With courage and determination, Uljana set out to prevent this shadowy prophecy from coming to pass, learning much about it's people, cultures and deities. Always, she felt the pull of something she couldnt quite understand. Her long journey finally ended when she reached Arlio. Coming to the fountain of the gods, Uljana felt the unmistakable pull of Phelencia. Almost as if in a trance, she waded into the water of the fountain, and began to climb the statue of Phelencia. As guards began to arrive and shout at her to get down, she reached for the Stone of Seasons. When her fingertips reached the stone, a blinding light eclipsed the stone, Uljana and the entire fountain itself for several minutes. When Uljana emerged, she was different. No one knows what truly happened that day, but from then on, Uljana took the mantle of the Phrophet of Seasons.   Despite her divine status, Uljana remained humble and compassionate. She cherished her human roots and sought to protect the people of Eyolon with all her might. Her journey was not without its trials, but Uljana's unwavering spirit and the guidance of Phelencia propelled her forward.   Now, at the age of 23, Uljana stands as a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. With her celestial powers and indomitable will, she continues to fight for the preservation of balance and the protection of all that is good in Eyolon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Uljana possesses an ethereal beauty with luminescent skin that seems to glow faintly under moonlight. Her eyes are a striking shade of amethyst, reflecting both wisdom and innocence. Long, wavy hair cascades down her back, shimmering like spun silver. She has a slender, athletic build, and her presence exudes a sense of calm and authority.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Bright White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization