
Elaris is a continent of contrasts, where the dark, mysterious forests of the east stand in stark opposition to the bright, open plains of the west. The inhabitants of each side, shaped by their environments and beliefs, reflect the duality of power and order, creating a land rich in diversity and intrigue. Shadowhaven and Sunvale serve as a testament to the possibility of unity and cooperation amidst such stark differences.  


Great River of Elaris:

The continent of Elaris is divided by the Great River, a wide and treacherous body of water that flows from the icy northern mountains to the warm southern seas. The river is deep, with strong currents and hidden whirlpools, making it perilous to cross.

Perilous Land Bridge:

Connecting the eastern and western portions of the continent is a single, narrow land bridge known as the Bridge of Shadows. This bridge is fraught with dangers, including unstable ground, frequent rock slides, and creatures that lurk in the shadows, making passage a perilous endeavor.

East Elaris: The Obscured Forests


The eastern portion of Elaris is dominated by dense, ancient forests. Towering trees with thick canopies obscure the sun for much of the day, casting the forest floor into perpetual twilight. The nights are the blackest, with no light penetrating the thick foliage.



The human inhabitants of the Obscured Forests live in small, scattered villages and a formidable fortress city known as Emberholt. Emberholt is currently ruled by Lord Cedric Blackthorn, a rich aristocrat who secretly leads the Thieves' Guild, an organization rumored to not even exist. His cunning and resourcefulness maintain order in a land where power rules supreme. Humans in the forest are devout followers of Ilmara, the Moonlit Redeemer, drawing strength from her domains of moonlight, redemption, and resilience.


Coexisting with humans, werewolves roam the forests. They see themselves as the protectors of the woods and have a complex, symbiotic relationship with the human villagers. They, too, worship Ilmara, finding solace and power in the moonlit nights.


Hidden within the depths of the forest are clans of vampires. They are followers of Ilmara's sister, Noctyra, the Goddess of Darkness, Murder, and Sabotage. These vampires are cunning and treacherous, often clashing with the werewolves and humans.


In East Elaris, power, whether physical or magical, is the only rule of law. Those with the most power make the rules, leading to a constant struggle for dominance. This has created a harsh, survival-of-the-fittest environment where only the strong thrive.

West Elaris: The Golden Plains


The western portion of Elaris is a vast expanse of grassy plains. Rolling fields of golden wheat stretch as far as the eye can see, bathed in the warm glow of the sun. The land is fertile and bountiful, with a pleasant climate that supports abundant agriculture.



The humans of the Golden Plains live in thriving towns and villages, relying on farming and trade. They are deeply religious, worshipping Raelith, the Leonin God of Light, Sun, and Justice. Temples to Raelith are prominent in every settlement, and his teachings of honor and righteousness guide their way of life.


Among the human population, leonins are notable inhabitants of the plains. These proud and noble beings are seen as protectors and leaders. They revere Raelith above all, embodying his principles of strength, justice, and leadership. Their presence is a unifying force for the inhabitants of the plains.


West Elaris is dominated entirely by strict, intrusive laws, with overly severe punishments doled out to those who break them. The glittering royal city of Solvaris is the epitome of this rigid order. Its streets are overly clean, its white buildings gleaming in the sunlight. At the center of Solvaris stands a magnificent spire, where the council that makes laws convenes. This council is currently led by High Lord Tharion Sunstride, a noble leonin, known for his unwavering adherence to the principles of Raelith.

Cultural Dynamics:

East Elaris:

The relationship between humans and werewolves in the Obscured Forests is complex but cooperative. Both groups see themselves as guardians of the forest and followers of Ilmara. The vampires, while hidden and secretive, are a constant threat. Their worship of Noctyra puts them at odds with the humans and werewolves, leading to frequent skirmishes and power struggles in the dark depths of the forest. Emberholt, the fortress city, is a place of constant tension and danger. Lord Cedric Blackthorn's rule is absolute, and his cunning ensures that power dynamics within the city remain under his control.

West Elaris:

The humans and leonins of the Golden Plains live in harmony, united by their worship of Raelith. The leonins often hold positions of leadership and are respected for their wisdom and strength. The plains are peaceful and prosperous, but the strict laws and harsh punishments create an undercurrent of fear. Justice is swift and severe, with little room for leniency or forgiveness. Solvaris, the royal city, is a beacon of order and cleanliness. The council, led by the leonin noble, maintains strict control over the city's affairs, ensuring that the laws are upheld with an iron fist.

Bridge of Shadows:


The Bridge of Shadows is the only direct connection between East and West Elaris. It is a narrow, dangerous path that tests the bravery and skill of anyone attempting to cross.


The bridge is unstable, with frequent rock slides and treacherous footing. Additionally, it is home to dangerous creatures and bandits who prey on travelers.


Despite its dangers, the bridge is a vital link for trade, communication, and occasionally, conflict between the two regions. Only the most desperate or the bravest dare to cross it.

Villages of the Bridge:

East Village:

On the eastern side of the Bridge of Shadows lies the village of Shadowhaven. It is a bustling settlement, home to humans, werewolves, and other non-vampiric inhabitants. The village thrives on trade and cooperation, maintaining a neutral stance and functioning independently from the harsh rule of Emberholt and the power struggles of East Elaris.

West Village:

On the western side of the bridge is the village of Sunvale. Like Shadowhaven, it is a diverse community where humans, leonins, and other inhabitants coexist peacefully. The villagers of Sunvale live free from the strict laws of Solvaris, valuing mutual respect and harmony.

Unified Community:

Despite being separated by the perilous Bridge of Shadows, Shadowhaven and Sunvale function as a single, unified community. They share resources, trade goods, and maintain strong social and cultural ties. The bridge serves as a lifeline between them, with regular, though dangerous, crossings that keep the villages connected.