
Gloomcaps are large, bioluminescent fungi that dot the landscape of the Umbra. They have broad, umbrella-like caps that can reach up to several feet in diameter, casting a gentle, otherworldly glow in shades of purple and blue. The underside of the cap is covered in delicate, luminous gills that release spores into the air, creating a faintly glowing mist around mature specimens.  


Gloomcaps thrive in the nutrient-rich soil of cavern floors and the decaying organic matter found in the Umbra. They often grow in fairy-ring-like formations, with smaller fungi and mosses filling in the gaps between the larger caps.  

Unique Properties:

The spores of Gloomcaps have mild hallucinogenic properties, causing those who inhale them to experience vivid, dreamlike visions. This trait has made them a crucial component in the rituals of the cult of Emtyus, where the spores are used to induce trances and communicate with the void. The Gloomcaps also play a vital role in the ecosystem, breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the soil.  

Interaction with Fauna:

Both Noxflora and Gloomcaps serve as vital sources of sustenance and shelter for the inhabitants of the Umbra. Various insects and small animals feed on their bioluminescent tissues, while larger creatures use the glowing patches as landmarks in the otherwise dark and disorienting environment.  

Legends and Myths:

According to the cult of Emtyus, the Noxflora and Gloomcaps are believed to be gifts from their dark god, manifestations of the void's power brought into the material plane. It is said that those who consume the bioluminescent parts of these plants and fungi can gain temporary glimpses into the void, experiencing visions of cosmic truths and the end of all things.
Geographic Distribution