The Umbra

The Umbra is a vast, subterranean realm shrouded in perpetual twilight and filled with wonders and terrors unknown to the surface world. This hidden expanse stretches far beneath the earth, its caverns and tunnels winding like the tendrils of a great, slumbering beast.  


Various subterranean races call the Umbra home, including the enigmatic Drow, who have built sprawling cities within the largest caverns. These cities are marvels of dark beauty, with towering spires and intricate architecture illuminated by glowing crystals and enchanted lights. Other inhabitants include deep gnomes, duergar, and other, even more, mysterious and secretive beings who have adapted to life in this twilight realm.  

Legends and Myths:

Whispers speak of the Heart of the Abyss, a hidden sanctum within the Umbra where the boundary between the material plane and the void is thinnest. It is said that here, the most devout followers of Emtyus can commune directly with their god, receiving visions of cosmic annihilation and glimpses of the universe's end.   The Umbra remains a place of untold danger and profound mystery, a shadowy underworld where the line between reality and nightmare is forever blurred, and where the followers of Emtyus seek to unravel the secrets of the void and fulfill their dark god's insatiable hunger.


The landscape of the Umbra is as varied as it is treacherous. Massive caverns open up into grand, cathedral-like spaces, their ceilings lost in shadow and their floors dotted with strange, glowing flora. Stalactites and stalagmites, some as tall as ancient trees, rise and descend like the teeth of the earth, forming natural bridges and perilous pathways.   Rivers of dark, slow-moving water wind through the depths, their surfaces shimmering with an otherworldly sheen. These subterranean rivers feed into vast, underground lakes and seas, their depths hiding ancient, slumbering creatures and forgotten relics of civilizations long past.

Localized Phenomena

The Umbra is suffused with potent, arcane energies. Ley lines of magical power crisscross the depths, and ancient, forgotten shrines and temples lie hidden in the shadows, remnants of lost civilizations that once tapped into these primal forces. Those who can harness these energies may find their power amplified, but they also risk attracting the attention of the ancient and malevolent entities that dwell in the deepest, darkest reaches.


The air within the Umbra is thick with an almost palpable sense of ancient power and mystery. A faint, bioluminescent glow emanates from the walls and ceilings, provided by countless clusters of luminescent fungi and crystalline formations. These natural light sources cast an eerie, shifting glow, creating an ever-present twilight that dances with shades of deep indigo, violet, and emerald green.

Fauna & Flora

The Umbra is home to a unique and often dangerous ecosystem. Bioluminescent plants (Noxflora) and fungi (Gloomcaps) provide the primary source of light, their glowing tendrils and caps creating a surreal, dreamlike landscape. Some of these plants are carnivorous (Voidblossoms), luring prey with their light before ensnaring them in deadly tendrils.   The fauna of the Umbra is equally diverse and deadly. Blind, pale creatures (Shadowstalkers) adapted to the perpetual twilight prowl the caverns, from enormous, predatory insects (Abyssal Reapers) to sleek, serpentine beasts (Void Serpents) that move with unsettling silence. Many of these creatures have developed a form of echolocation or other senses to navigate the darkness. Less deadly are theĀ Gloom Grazers, which feed on the various flora found here.