Minobal, The Seer of the Abyss

"His eyes, like polished onyx, gleam with an unsettling intensity, seeming to absorb light rather than reflect it..." - Description of Minobal
    Minobal stands tall and slender, typical of his Drow heritage, with a lithe and graceful physique that speaks of both agility and inner strength. His skin is a deep, obsidian black, contrasting sharply with his shock of silvery-white hair that cascades down his back in intricate braids adorned with dark gemstones that shimmer with an otherworldly glow.   His angular features are sharp and refined, characteristic of the Drow, with high cheekbones and a slender, aristocratic nose. His eyes, like polished onyx, gleam with an unsettling intensity, seeming to absorb light rather than reflect it, giving him an aura of otherworldly wisdom and foresight.   Minobal’s attire is a blend of ceremonial robes and armor, crafted from the finest materials found deep within the Umbra. His robes are a deep shade of midnight blue, almost black, embroidered with ancient glyphs and symbols that pulse faintly with arcane energy. Over these robes, he wears intricately crafted dark leather armor adorned with silver filigree, providing both protection and freedom of movement.   Around his neck hangs a pendant, a miniature replica of the Eye of the Abyss, encased in a dark, ornate setting. This pendant is said to amplify Minobal’s connection to Emtyus, allowing him to channel the dark deity’s power during rituals and divinations.   In his hands, Minobal carries a staff carved from a rare, luminescent crystal found only in the deepest caverns of the Umbra. Known as Voidweaver's Embrace, the crystal emits a faint, pulsating glow that matches the rhythm of his heartbeat, serving both as a ceremonial scepter and a focus for his potent magical abilities.   Minobal’s presence commands respect and reverence among the cult of Emtyus. He is seen as the bridge between the mortal realm and the dark powers that lurk beyond, guiding his followers with unwavering certainty on their path of destruction and devotion to the Devourer.
Current Location
Onyx Black
Long Silvery-White with Braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Black
Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations