
Shadowstalkers are blind, pale creatures with sinewy, elongated bodies, adapted to the perpetual twilight of the Umbra. They have hairless, translucent skin that reveals their intricate network of muscles and veins, giving them an eerie, ghostly appearance. Their elongated limbs end in sharp, curved claws, and their heads are smooth and eyeless, with wide mouths filled with needle-like teeth.  


Despite their lack of sight, Shadowstalkers are formidable hunters, relying on a highly developed sense of hearing and an acute sensitivity to vibrations. They move with a fluid, almost ethereal grace, silently stalking their prey through the labyrinthine caverns. When they detect a potential meal, they pounce with terrifying speed, using their powerful jaws and claws to subdue their prey.  

Unique Traits:

Shadowstalkers communicate through a series of ultrasonic clicks and pulses, allowing them to coordinate hunts and navigate the darkness. Their sharp claws can slice through most materials with ease, and their powerful jaws can crush bone. They are highly territorial and will aggressively defend their hunting grounds from intruders.
Geographic Distribution