Tharok Ironfist

Tharok Ironfist embodies the strength and resilience of the Duergar. His dedication to his craft and his people, coupled with his pragmatic and straightforward nature, make him a formidable and respected leader.  


Hair and Beard:

Tharok has a thick, gray beard that reaches his chest, often singed at the tips from working in the forges. His hair is equally gray, cropped short for practicality.


His eyes are a sharp, gleaming steel-blue, full of intelligence and determination. They reflect a lifetime of experience and a keen mind always at work.


Tharok’s skin is ashen, typical of the Duergar, and covered in numerous scars, each a testament to his years of labor and battles in the forges.


He is burly and rugged, with a muscular build that speaks to his physical strength and endurance. His broad shoulders and powerful arms are the result of countless hours wielding a hammer and working metal.


Tharok wears practical, sturdy clothing suited for his work. His attire includes a thick leather apron, reinforced with metal plates, and heavy-duty boots. He is often adorned with tools of his trade and the insignia of the Deepforge Guild.



Tharok is a practical and straightforward individual. He values results over rhetoric and has little patience for unnecessary complexities or the political scheming often associated with the Drow.


His determination is unwavering. Once he sets his mind on a goal, he pursues it with relentless focus and dedication.


Tharok is fiercely protective of his people and their interests. He sees the guild as his family and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and prosperity.

Fiery Temper:

Known for his fiery temper, Tharok’s anger can be as intense as the forges he oversees. However, his anger is usually directed at injustices or threats to his guild and people.


Despite his gruff exterior, Tharok is deeply loyal to those he considers allies. He values loyalty and honor, and those who earn his trust find a steadfast and reliable friend.

Role and Duties:


As Guildmaster of the Deepforge, Tharok oversees all operations within the guild. He ensures the quality of their output, manages resources, and leads the guild in both daily activities and long-term projects.

Master Craftsman:

A master of metalworking, Tharok is renowned for his skill in forging weapons, armor, and intricate metalworks. He often takes on special commissions himself, setting the standard for his guild.


Tharok represents the Duergar guilds and the working class in political matters. He advocates for policies that benefit the industrial sector and ensure fair treatment and opportunities for his people.


He takes an active role in training apprentices and mentoring younger guild members, passing on his extensive knowledge and skills to the next generation.



Born and raised in the deep caverns, Tharok was destined for a life in the forges. From a young age, he displayed a natural talent for metalworking and a strong sense of duty to his people.

Rise to Guildmaster:

His exceptional skills and leadership qualities quickly set him apart. Rising through the ranks, he earned the respect and admiration of his peers, eventually being chosen as Guildmaster.


Under Tharok’s leadership, the Deepforge Guild has flourished, becoming renowned for the quality and innovation of its work. He has secured numerous contracts and alliances, ensuring the guild’s prosperity and influence.


Respected Leader:

Tharok is highly respected within the Duergar community and beyond. His word is trusted, and his decisions are seldom questioned. His leadership has brought stability and growth to the guild.

Master Artisan:

His craftsmanship is legendary, with his works sought after by many. Items bearing the Deepforge mark are considered some of the finest in the realm.

Formidable Presence:

Tharok’s presence commands respect. His rugged appearance and reputation for fairness and integrity make him a figure of authority and influence.
Aligned Organization