The Umbra Conclave

The Conclave operates with a mixture of respect, tension, and political maneuvering within Nyxthar. Each member understands the importance of cooperation for the city's prosperity but constantly navigates the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that define Nyxthar's power structure.  

Members of the Umbra Conclave

Minobal, Seer of the Abyss (Leader)


Minobal is an enigmatic and imposing figure, shrouded in mystery. As the Seer of the Abyss, he possesses a deep connection to the dark forces that lie beyond the mortal realm, though his ties to the cult of Emtyus remain unknown to the other Conclave members. Minobal is tall and lean, with obsidian black skin and long, silver hair that falls in a cascading wave down his back. His gleaming, onyx eyes, which are said to see beyond the physical world, are both mesmerizing and unnerving.  


Minobal is reserved and speaks in a calm, measured tone. His presence commands respect and fear, and he often seems to know more than he lets on. He is a master of manipulation and intrigue, using his insights to subtly influence the Conclave's decisions to further his hidden agenda.  


As the leader of the Umbra Conclave, Minobal presides over meetings and has the final say in all decisions. He is highly respected for his wisdom and foresight, though his true motivations remain a closely guarded secret.  

Lady Nyssa Velareth, Matron of House Velareth


Lady Nyssa is a strikingly beautiful Drow matron with sharp features and a regal bearing. She has long, flowing hair in a blend of dark blues and purples and piercing violet eyes that reflect her cunning and ambition. She dresses in elegant, dark robes adorned with silver and amethyst, signifying her noble status.  


Nyssa is ambitious and shrewd, always seeking to elevate her house's position within Drow society. She is a master of courtly politics and is known for her sharp wit and persuasive arguments. Though she appears loyal to the Conclave, her primary allegiance is to her house.  


Lady Nyssa represents the interests of the noble Drow houses. She is often the voice of tradition and hierarchy, advocating for policies that maintain the established social order.  

Tharok Ironfist, Guildmaster of the Deepforge


Tharok is a burly and rugged Duergar, with a thick, gray beard and eyes that gleam with intelligence and determination. His skin is ashen and covered in scars, testament to a lifetime of labor in the forges. He wears practical, sturdy clothing suited for his work, often adorned with tools and insignia of his guild.  


Tharok is pragmatic and straightforward, with little patience for the Drow's political machinations. He is fiercely protective of his people and their interests, and his temper can be as fiery as the forges he oversees. Despite his gruff exterior, he is deeply loyal to those he considers allies.  


Tharok represents the Duergar guilds and the working class. He advocates for policies that benefit the industrial sector and ensure fair treatment and opportunities for his people.  

Arathen Shadowblade, Commander of the Nyxthar Guard


Arathen is a tall, imposing Drow with a commanding presence. He has short, silver hair and a stern expression, with eyes that miss nothing. His body is lean and muscular, a testament to his rigorous training and discipline. He is usually seen in his intricately designed black and silver armor, a symbol of his authority.  


Arathen is disciplined and honorable, dedicated to maintaining order and protecting the city. He values strength and loyalty and has little tolerance for corruption or weakness. Though he is a man of few words, his actions speak volumes.  


Arathen oversees the Nyxthar Guard and is responsible for the city's security. He ensures that the laws are enforced and that the citizens are protected from internal and external threats.    

Lysandra Nightwhisper, High Priestess of Ilmara



Lysandra is a serene and graceful Drow priestess with flowing dark hair and deep, midnight blue eyes that radiate compassion. She wears robes of deep indigo and silver, adorned with symbols of Ilmara, the goddess of moonlight and redemption.  


Lysandra is kind-hearted and empathetic, often serving as the moral compass of the Conclave. She advocates for justice, mercy, and the well-being of all citizens, regardless of their status. Her presence brings a sense of calm and hope to the often tense and politically charged meetings.  


Lysandra represents the spiritual and moral interests of the city. She ensures that the Conclave's decisions align with the ethical and religious values of the populace, providing guidance and counsel to her fellow members.
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories
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