The Abyssal Scriptures

"...lo and behold, through His destruction, a space for new creation..." - Rumored Excerpt, The Abyssal Scriptures
    The Abyssal Scriptures is a tome of formidable size and sinister presence, bound in the hide of a creature long forgotten to time. The cover is an eerie shade of deep midnight blue, almost black, and has a texture resembling a mix of aged leather and rough, cold stone. Intricate designs and runes, seemingly carved into the very flesh of the cover, pulsate faintly with a dark, ethereal light, hinting at the arcane knowledge contained within.   The book's spine is reinforced with dark, bony ridges reminiscent of the spiraled horns of Emtyus, adding a menacing structure and durability to the ancient tome. The pages within are made of an unknown, durable material that feels cold to the touch, slightly glossy yet unnervingly smooth. Each page is filled with densely packed, minutely detailed text and symbols inscribed in dark, almost ink-like substance that never fades or smudges.   The language of the Abyssal Scriptures is a cryptic, arcane dialect known only to the highest echelons of the cult of Emtyus. The characters seem to shift and writhe on the page, making it difficult for the uninitiated to focus on the text for long without feeling a sense of dread or vertigo. Interspersed throughout the tome are illustrations of cosmic destruction, chaotic voids, and monstrous, tentacled beings, all meticulously detailed and disturbingly lifelike.   In addition to written knowledge, the Scriptures contain several fold-out sections and hidden compartments, each revealing even more esoteric rituals and dark secrets. Some sections are written in invisible ink that reveals itself only under specific conditions, such as the light of a particular constellation or when exposed to the blood of a sacrificial offering.   The Abyssal Scriptures is more than a mere book; it is a living artifact, resonating with the dark power of Emtyus. Its presence is overwhelming, exuding an aura of deep, oppressive void that instills fear and reverence in those who dare to open its pages. The tome is kept in a heavily guarded, lightless chamber within the cult’s sanctum, accessible only to the most devout and trusted followers, who consult it for guidance on their path of destruction and devotion to the Devourer.   One of the only sections known to people outside of the cult details the cult's tenets of faith.  

Tenets of Faith:

Embrace the Void:

Followers believe that all creation is temporary and must ultimately return to the void. They are taught to accept and even welcome destruction as a natural and necessary part of the cosmic cycle.  

Purity through Consumption:

The cult practices rituals of consumption, where they symbolically or literally destroy objects of value to purify themselves and their surroundings, believing that only through destruction can one achieve true purity.  

Reverence of Darkness:

Light is seen as an illusion that hides the true nature of reality. Followers are encouraged to meditate in darkness, perform nocturnal rituals, and avoid excessive illumination in their daily lives.  

Sacrifice for Balance:

Sacrifices, whether material, animal, or even human, are made to appease Zathryos and maintain the balance of creation and destruction. These sacrifices are considered necessary to stave off the greater destruction that Zathryos would otherwise bring.  

The Path of Annihilation:

Cult members are taught to seek out and destroy sources of corruption, stagnation, and excess creation. This can involve acts of sabotage, arson, and other forms of destruction aimed at maintaining the cosmic balance as dictated by their god.
Item type
Book / Document
Owning Organization
18in x 12 in
Base Price