
Dominating much of the landmass of the same name, the city of Arlio serves as the center of and the seat of government for Eyolon as a whole.


A smattering of all races, classes, and landmasses of origin


A pious, captialistic system, they accept all forms of currency and, for the most part, crime is low due to the overwatch of the Temple, Honor Guard and Phelecia herself.


In the center of the city lies the Temple of Seasons and its courtyard, in which is the fountain of Phelencia. Contains a statue of Phelencia, as well as an unending well of fresh water that springs forth from somewhere below the surface. It is from here that the streams of Arlio originate. The cobblestone streets run along these streams until they reach the walls of the city. Taverns, inns, and businesses of all sorts line the streets as well as apartment-style houses and small single family homes. Finally at the very fringes lies some of the slums where the poorer residents and farmers reside.
Founding Date
1,0, Era of Dindona, PA
Alternative Name(s)
The Temple City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location