
Umbramites are small, insect-like creatures uniquely adapted to thrive in the hazardous environment of the Umbra and to coexist with the dangerous Voidblossoms. They are about the size of a human hand, with a sleek, segmented body covered in a tough, chitinous exoskeleton that shimmers with iridescent hues of purple and black, blending seamlessly with the bioluminescent glow of the Voidblossoms.  

Physical Traits:

Umbramites have six legs ending in sharp, hooked claws that allow them to cling to the slippery petals and stems of the Voidblossoms. Their elongated heads are equipped with multifaceted eyes that can see in the dim light of the Umbra and antennae that sense chemical signals in the air. Their mandibles are strong and capable of slicing through the remains of the Voidblossoms’ prey.  


Umbramites are primarily scavengers, feeding on the remnants of the prey captured and digested by the Voidblossoms. They use their mandibles to clean the flower’s trumpet-like center, removing debris and preventing decay. In return for this service, the Voidblossoms provide the Umbramites with protection from predators, using their toxic defenses to create a safe habitat.  

Symbiotic Relationship:

The relationship between Voidblossoms and Umbramites is one of mutual benefit. The Umbramites keep the Voidblossoms clean and free from rot, ensuring the plant remains healthy and capable of capturing more prey. In exchange, the Voidblossoms’ toxic defenses and bioluminescent light create a relatively safe environment for the Umbramites, protecting them from the many predators of the Umbra.  

Reproductive Cycle:

Umbramites lay their eggs within the dense clusters of Voidblossom tendrils. The larvae, when hatched, feed on the smaller, less dangerous prey that the Voidblossoms capture, gradually building their resistance to the plant’s toxins. As they mature, they take on the role of cleaners, ensuring the continued health of their floral hosts.  

Unique Properties:

Umbramites have developed a natural resistance to the Voidblossoms’ paralyzing toxins, which has made their bodies a source of fascination for alchemists and dark sorcerers. Extracts from Umbramite chitin are used in antidotes and potions that grant temporary resistance to various poisons and toxins, a valuable trait for adventurers exploring the perilous Umbra.  

Legends and Myths:

In the lore of the cult of Emtyus, Umbramites are seen as sacred creatures, embodying the principles of symbiosis and survival within the harsh realm of the void. They are often featured in the cult’s rituals, symbolizing the delicate balance between destruction and sustenance. Cult members believe that the Umbramites’ ability to thrive amid the deadly Voidblossoms is a testament to the power of adaptation and the favor of Emtyus.
Geographic Distribution