Haradelan Questers - Freeblades
To a Haradelan a quest can mean many things: Adventure in far off lands, recognition and renown for great deeds, an opportunity to right a wrong or a chance to earn forgiveness from the gods. When traveling in Haradel a quester is like a bard, welcomed into homes and Keeps for the stories and news they pass, but also as a good deed in helping someone on a mission for their Count, King or even one of the gods. A young quester, with a small retinue might be fulfilling a task from their Count or Warden. Older questers, with larger bands often take warrants from the King, or a charge from the church. The most honored and holy of questers are those who make a pilgrimage to the Temple of Ailea in Falkaar. These men and women are sent out by the goddess herself to right a wrong, or seek her forgiveness through an act of valor.
Questers are critical to Haradel for they keep a country filled with armed and armored warriors too busy completing tasks to waste time fighting petty wars or engaging in senseless disputes between wards and counties. Knights and their followers maintain their martial edge without bringing death and destruction to the Haradelan countryside. Questers travel throughout Faelon and return to Haradel with stories of their neighbors and other lands, and they cross swords with foreign warriors and learn of different weapons and fighting styles. These lessons are vital to a country surrounded by potential enemies.
Faction Assembly Rule: May only have one more Questing Knight (of any type) than Apprentice Knights.
Onward! The faction Hero models in a freeband led by a High Questor of Tahnar gain March.
Fight On! The faction Hero models in a freeband led by a High Questor of Vidunar never take Morale tests for the loss of a Hero.
Rush Them! After deployment, including all infiltration, each faction Hero model in a freeband led by a High Questor of Barek may make a 3” Free Move directly toward an enemy Hero.
Brotherhood of the Bear. In a freeband led by the High Questor of Glareyn, if a faction model is engaged, the range of the High Questor's Leader talent is 9".
Ailea’s Justice. Once per game, one faction Hero in a freeband lead by a High Questor of Vasilar or Ailea, may add +1d4 (that does spike) to any roll made by that Hero that did not Tarch. One time per game total, not one time per game per Hero.
Gritty Veterans. In the End Phase of a turn in which a freeband led by the Ravenblade Lieutenant is considered broken and no other game end conditions have been met, remove all models belonging to that freeband that are not faction heroes from the encounter area, continue play for one more turn and then take the normal actions associated with that freeband being broken. Models removed in this way do not count as dropped or run off.
Parent Organization
Related Professions
- Apprentice Knight of Tahnar
- Apprentice Knight of Vidunar
- Faeler Swordsman
- Fist of Vidunar
- High Questor of Tahnar
- High Questor of Vasilar
- Kantor
- Knights of Barek
- Militia Spearman
- Muster Archer
- Muster Thresher
- Questing Knight of Sylvia
- Questing Knight of Tahnar
- Questing Knight of Vasilar
- Ravenblade (soldier)