Cloak Tower

The Cloak Tower was a wizard tower located in the River District of Neverwinter.


The tower took its name from its original owners, the wizard order named the Many-Starred Cloak.   The wizards disappeared alongside their tower during the Spellplague of 1385 DR, when the tower was sent to the Far Realm. When the Cloak Tower returned to Neverwinter, six months later, there was no trace of the wizards, as only their colorful cloaks remained.   Some time after, a group of thieves tried to plunder the tower, but all of them except for one were killed by the cloaks. The Neverwintans avoided the place afterwards.   After the 1451 DR, when a tribe of orcs from Many-Arrows invaded the River District, they discovered the Cloak Tower and seized it. Vansi Bloodscar, the leader of the orcs, made the Cloak Tower their headquarters in the city.   The Cloak Tower remained in orc control until they left Neverwinter, at some point before 1489 DR. After this the Arcana Pansophical claimed it as their own, and since then have conducted their research from it.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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