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"A whole village built into the biggest tree you've ever seen. Beautiful, if they let you live to see it."
- Saramonus the Pure
  Leafholm is a an enclosed woodland community that co-habits the higher branches of an ancient Lthoalain tree, from which its name has evolved. It’s population is majority elven mixed with druids & rangers from other races and awakened magically infused creatures such as spiders, dyrads & ents. It’s people live in symbois with the tree, instead of the use of artificial structures habitats have been grown or worked organically into its branching trunks with various arms connected by walkways and vine ladders to join the village together. Druids and elves cultivate the fertile trunks for fruits and tend to its growth and help to remove predators and pests. In exchange, the tree imparts its wisdom and magic on the village, protecting it from the wider world and offering a safe haven from threats both within and without the forest.   Leafholm does not have a native citizenship, its inhabitants considering themselves people of the forest as opposed to Leafholmers and its people come and go as they please. There is no concept of ownership, personal property or hard currency. Food and supplies are available to all who are welcomed as is use of the tree’s resources. Folk will assist in whatever way they can, collaborating and working together to ensure the tree’s prosperity. Trade does exist with a selected few trusted merchants but often the exchange is for knowledge and/or specialist items from the outside world. Most don’t understand the need for materialism or ownership and have little need of goods from outside the confines of the Forest, as nature will provide.   Unsurprisingly then, outsiders, especially those considered from “civilisation” are often treated coldly until they can prove their loyalty to the Forest & it’s peoples.   Though Leaflholm seems like the embodiment of peace and beauty, it has represented the face of nature’s wrath. The Circle has passed judgement on individuals, groups and even entire communities; there are three recorded decisions over the last half century of the Circle to declare open war and in two of the cases it was consider “pre-emptive”. The circle maintains an open relationship with the enigmatic Fae and various spirits and creatures that many would consider alien & dangerous if not “evil” in the traditional term.    

Places of Interest

  Garwen’s Hole – A popular ranger bolt hole that serves as Leafholm’s unofficial tavern with food, drink and a resting place provided for travellers. Known for its storytellers and hub of information as rangers exchange information and update a large map of the forest that dominates the tavern. Currently occupied by Waitlyn “Earthfriend”, a human male considered the unofficial leader of the rangers in the Quivering Forest.   Sava’roth – The village Circle’s meeting chamber located in the main trunk of the Lthoalain tree. The representatives of the forest’s inhabitants gather here to discuss, vote on issues and pass judgement.   Face of Leth – A natural spring that flows up from the tree roots and sustains an exotic garden of plants and flowers. Said to represent the aspect of the demi-goddess Leth and serves as a shrine to her Cult, whom will often congregate here in worship and invite others to bask in the beauty of nature.


The village is in essence governed by the Lthoalain tree, whom communicates its wants and requests via local druids who in turn will communicate it to the village to act upon. Everyone who wishes to enter Leafholm must abide but its will. Those who do not are removed, either by the tree's inhabitants or by the Tree itself, oft violently.   The people themselves, including many of the more nomadic inhabitants of the area, are considered to be under the purview of the Circle; a council made up of representatives of the Quivering Forest’s inhabitants whom will gather to debate and vote on issues when called on to. Debates are often held in communication with the Forest and after arguements are exhausted are settled by majority vote, by which are parties are said to be bound. All judgements are considered binding and far reaching, the Circle's jurisdiction acting beyond the confines of Forest and even the material plane.   At the present time the Circle is made up of the Forest’s rangers, the Emerald Enclave, the S'othail (an Elven warrior band), the Cult of Leth and two Druid Circles; the Circle of the Seed and Circle of the Moon. Other representatives from the Forest & Fae courts have also been welcomed, however their ways are alien, their interest in mortal affairs is often fickle and do not see themselves bound by any decisions made by the Circle.

Guilds and Factions

Several factions make their base in Leafholm, however they can be found throughout the Quivering Forest.   Emerald Enclave - One of Faerun's most powerful and widespread factions, it's little surprise they maintain a permanent outpost here, allowing sanctuary and support for those who subscribe to its beliefs of balance of people and nature. @Buhrell Cach is the main contact and influence & connections spreads through through the whole region.   The Woodguard. - an organised militia of elven warriors that guard Leafholm and the wider Quivering Forest. Headquartered in Leafholm itself, they are loosely organised into "talons" covering sections of the Forest and fulfilling different roles. Equipped with long bows and glaives, they are excellent scouts and intelligence gatherers favouring stealth to track and surprise their targets. Led by Gaelina Highsong, a fearsome elf who wields a powerful magic glaive "Windwhisperer".   Cult of Leth - A collection of fanatical worshippers of nature deity Leth. Made up of elves, humans, fae and other creatures of the Forest, they form a very loose organisation centred around two key tenets; worship & love of nature and destruction of civilisation that undermines it. Founded & led by the beautiful & egnimatic Sylvens Leth, she has grown the Cult across the Forest and beyond, her power and reach growing as tensions with Phlan rise.   Rangers - a very loose association of the Forest's rangers that collectively play an important role across the Forest & beyond. They have no formal organisation, structure or even name but rather an understanding between those who would protect the forest and live off the land. They maintain a number of ranger "holes" across the region and co-ordinate activities, hunt and missions. Garwen's Hole in Leafholm is considered a central organising point, Waitlyn Earthfriend it's owner of sorts and most respected ranger and unofficial spokesperson.   Circle of the Seed - A local druid circle whose magics and knowledge specialises in plants and life magic. Considered Leafholm's "gardeners" they work to vitalise and strengthen the trees & Forest around them. They are open in their dealings with others and often trade in powers and knowledge with the outside world to further spread their message of life. Non-hierarchical & pacifist, they generally congregate in smaller groups & assemble for larger rituals. The head druid ("Great Tree") is the eldarly Bolden Barkskin.   Circle of the Moon - a collective of animalistic were-druids that roam the Forest & plains beyond and worship animal spirits & dieties, chief amongst them Rakkashanl, the Great Wolf who hunts. They organise as a pseudo-clan structure, which is made up of several separate packs that serve as family units and based on the animals they covet. They shun wider society, their loyalty to the pack first, Circle second and see the Forest as their extended roaming grounds. The alpha is Baracrall, The Beast of Scale & Claw.
Approx. 481
Characters in Location


68% Elven
10% Human
7% Gnome
2% Orc
<1% Dwarf
12% Other - Ents, Fae, Spiders etc

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Cover image: by Lasaine


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