Draegur High

Just north of Moonever stands the ruins of what was once a fortified castle built by the Marendil noble family. After their exile, the small fortress was reduced to only three towers surrounded by rubble. One of the surviving towers, now known as the Moontower, has been claimed by the War Wizards for use as a waystop shelter and is home to a handful of War Wizards and a few Purple Dragons who assist in the maintaining of the tower as well as serving as guards. The other two towers were leased for a time to Moonever merchants before being abandoned and left to ruin. Only one of those towers survives today, and has been restored for use as a base of operations for The Bucket Brigade

Purpose / Function

In 1486, an ancient green dragon fell from the sky and toppled one of the last two remaining towers. The last remaining tower has since been relegated as a base of operations for The Bucket Brigade to occupy and use.


The ancient tower's exterior is completely constructed from stone blocks and the interior wooden support beams and floors are made from hand-carved oak beams and planks.


After their exile in 376 DR, Draegur High (named for Draegur Merendil, who'd first started building it almost a century earlier) was seized by the Crown and its walls breached in many places so it couldn't be used by Merendils sneaking back into the realm, other traitors, and brigands all of whom were active and dangerously plentiful in the area at that time, or were seen as threats that might recur. Reduced in this manner to three towers and lines of rubble that were soon overgrown by the forest, it was never rebuilt thanks to fears at Court that it might be taken by, and become a stronghold for, Marsembians rising into rebellion for independence. The War Wizards took over one surviving tower of the castle to use as a waystop shelter and local base, and they hold it to this day. It's referred to in Court records as the Moontower, and at any one time is usually home to two or three War Wizards, as many apprentices (Wizards of War in training), and two to four Purple Dragons, who double as handyfolk, cooks, and bodyguards. The other two towers were leased to Mooneven merchants. One was used as a rental-space storehouse (its owner allowed dozens of local merchants and families to store belongings or goods in crates, casks, and strongchests, charging them by how much space they occupied), but over the years was struck by lightning several times (locals swear flashes of "weird magic" were seen coming from it during the mid-1200s DR) and during the later 1400s fell into great disrepair. Today it is a toppled, overgrown ruin.
1456 DR
Founding Date
285 DR
Owning Organization