Disaster / Destruction
An ancient green dragon unexpectedly attacks the Aarokocra settlement in the Stormhorn Mountains. FeatherFace, along with several other Aarokocra were tasked with following the green dragon after it had laid waste to their home. They all ignored their orders and began openly engaging the dragon, causing it to temporarily lose control and drop from the sky landing on one of the two remaining towers in Draegur High.
The flying rubble would have crushed Nimbus, a barbarian who was out tracking game with her tribe when all of this was occuring. Fortunately, FeatherFace was able to knock Nimbus clear of the flying stone debris in time, but inadvertently put himself in harm's way in the process. His act of bravery left his wings completely shattered and broken. He would spent nearly 6 months recovering from his injuries and never regained the use of his wings. The green dragon was last seen flying southeast above a section of the forest known as Hermit's Woods.