Society of Stalwart Adventurers

The largest organization of adventurers in Cormyr, made up of a number of smaller adventuring companies, the Society of Stalwart Adventurers is a brotherhood that facilitates exploration and adventure across Faerûn.


There is no single leader of the Society of Stalwart Adventurers. Instead, a board comprised of the most well regarded adventuring companies in Cormyr makes decisions that may affect the entire society. Day to day operations are left to the companies themselves, with little in the way of oversight as long as such operations return with quality information or artifacts and do not impose a burden on the society.


While they are headquartered in the capital city of Suzail they maintain smaller chapter houses throughout Cormyr and beyond. Each lodge maintains an extensive library of tomes, artifacts, and adventurers’ journals to aid adventurers in preparing for expeditions into the unknown.

Public Agenda

• Uncover lost historical documents, maps, and artifacts • Compile histories of lost civilizations so that their knowledge may be preserved


Knowledge is, itself, a very valuable asset The preservation of culture is important and societies should not be forcibly integrated

Powerful and dangerous artifacts should be studied, but never used

Guild, Adventuring

Good Reputation

The Bucket Brigade has a free 10 day adventurer's guild pass from the Society of Stalwart Adventurer's.

Neutral/ They are not aware of each others presence