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x-Session 23-217: Raiders of the Sword Coast Report

General Summary

**20 Mirtul 1491 DR**   The day began with the dawn's gentle touch, stirring the party from their slumber. The caravan, guided by the steady hands of Tharivol Carriac and guarded by the watchful presence of Dench, embarked northward from Phandalin. With provisions packed and purpose in their hearts, they set forth on their journey, the Triboar Trail stretching before them like an uncharted path through destiny.   As the sun ascended, a chance meeting with a wandering merchant brought additional supplies into the fold. Merielle Amastasia's procured valuable healing items, ensuring their readiness for the challenges ahead. Nature's grandeur unfurled as they stumbled upon a hidden waterfall oasis, where time itself seemed to pause in reverence.   The wilderness whispered its tales, and the dance of life played out before their eyes. A family of boars raced through the underbrush, pursued by a lone wolf. Merielle's magic missiles sang true, striking down the predator, while Dench killed a boar, dividing the meat evenly among the caravan members.   Day transitioned into evening, and the tranquility of camp came alive. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as they gathered around the fire, sharing stories and dreams beneath the blanket of stars. The night's watch was a shared duty, a testament to their unity as they settled into the rhythm of the wilderness.   **21 Mirtul 1491 DR**   With the new dawn, purpose renewed their spirits. As the sun's rays painted the landscape, they broke their fast, their resolve unwavering. The distant howl of a wolf lingered in the breeze, a reminder that challenges and opportunities coexisted in the wild tapestry of the Sword Coast.   Yet, the tranquility was short-lived, as noon brought an unexpected ambush. Battle erupted as orcs descended upon them, their clash of weapons echoing through the trees. Merielle's agile maneuvers and Seraphina's precise strikes turned the tide, while Hans' watchful eye protected the caravan.   In the aftermath of the battle Seraphina discovers an Orcish map, an enigmatic puzzle of symbols and lines. Unable to translate the cryptic Orkish script, she hands the map to Dench for translation. The map's crude Orcish notes revealed that the raiding party had established a base at Wyvern Tor, although the exact location remained elusive. Nonetheless, the map contained valuable clues, enabling them to narrow down the search area. Furthermore, these notes proved instrumental in deciphering how to circumvent or disable the cleverly laid traps, a safeguard set by the Orcs to shield their encampment.   Evening painted the sky with hues of gold and amethyst, and the caravan continued its journey. Camp was established, and as the fire's glow danced, their thoughts turned to the days ahead. Agatha the Banshee and the orc raiders at Wyvern Tor beckoned, and the night's watch remained a testament to their vigilance.   As the 21st of Mirtul unfolded into twilight, their journey carved a path through the unknown, the stars above bearing witness to their resolve. The embers crackled, and the forest's melody serenaded them into dreams, their destinies intertwined with the pulse of the land they traversed.

Rewards Granted

500 XP for defeating 5 orcs. Loot: A map of the Orcish positions; 25CP,

Missions/Quests Completed


Related Reports

Session Log: 20 Mirtul 1491DR 0500: Woke early and had breakfast before departing Phandalin. Left north with a single wagon driven by a Half elf commoner named Tharivol Carriac and guarded by the Half-orc named Dench. 1000: Came across atravelling merchant. Merielle Amastasia purchased several healing items including a healing salve and smelling salts. 1300: The party came across a water fall and stopped to take a short rest. 1500: A family of boars crossed the path being chased by a wolf. Merielle attacked the wolf, killing it instantly. Dench then killed a small boar which we retrieved for food. Merielle took a wolf pelt. 1600: Having travelled 25 miles, the caravan stops for the night. (no rations are consumed, we considered the food at breakfast was enough for one day). We all take a long rest. 2000: Merielle completes her long rest and is available for night watch duties. 2100: Seraphina Tealeaf has discovered a grove of flowers that only blooms at night.   21 Mirtul 1491DR 0001 Seraphina and Hans complete their long rest (8hours). All rotate watch shifts at regular intervals. Nothing to report.   0500. All awaken and begin their day. 1 ration is consumed by each player. 1000. Merielle hears a wolf in the distance. 1200. The party is ambushed by a party of 5 Orcs. Merielle is slightly wounded by a battle axe and the driver, Tharivol Carriac receives a minor wound. No other damage is sustained by the party. Merielle defeats 2 Orcs, Seraphina kills 2 Orcs, and Hans kills 1 Orc. Loot: the party finds an Orc map and 21 CP. Seraphina can't read the map but determines that it is written in Orcish, so she passes the map to Dench who determines that the map shows the position of the orc's supply cache near Conyberry. Orcish notes on the map indicates that the Orc raiding party has a camp at Wyvern Tor although the map doesn't indicate the exact location of the camp, they will be able to narrow their search to a specific area. The notes on the map also provide instructions on how to avoid or disarm the traps that the Orcs have left to protect their camp. 1300. The caravan resumes the journey. 1700. Remainder of day uneventful. Made a total of 25 miles. Set up camp just west of Conyberry. Plan to locate the orc supplies in the morning. Will attempt to locate Agatha the Banshee and then catch up to the caravan later in the day. Seraphina and Merielle take a long rest while Hans remains on watch. 2100. Merielle completes her long rest and takes over for night watch while Hans begins his long rest. 2359. All is quiet. The session ends here and will resume another time.
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Report Date
11 Aug 2023
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